Unruly Twists

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I twist my hair when dry and it looks perfect. It shows off the length and it is just really on point. I go to sleep, take a shower, get some nookie, you name it and the beautiful twists just get out of shape. I have tried tying them up in a pony tail at night, put on a scarve and to no avail they still don't look as good as the first time I do them. HELP!!!
not fully natural yet so may not help too much.

maybe you could try twisting on damp hair. your twists should set a bit firmer, you'll still get to show length without the shrinkage that you'd see if twisting soaking wet hair.

adding a tiny bit of beeswax per twist (some don't like it i use it now and then)

a bit of gel or setting lotion (not sure what you're using already) per twist.

try banding your twists (like folks do for stretching purposes) and before you're ready to dress, spritz some water, condish/oil mix on them then unband, run your hands down their length to smooth out any crimps.

:lachen::lachen:I dunno CG I've just put it down to how my hair is. I hope someone else has the answer!
Yeah, cut out that nookie!!!:D :lol:

My hair is not fully natural, but even so---laying on it, messes up the style or the curls.

How does it look when wet set?
I definitely recommend banding the twists. I had never tried it before but now I'm hooked. Banding allows me to show off just a tad bit more length. My hair forms very tight coils that snap back instantly when wet or dry, nothing else aside from heat has helped me beat back the hair anorexia I've been going through lately.
gloomgeisha said:
I definitely recommend banding the twists. I had never tried it before but now I'm hooked. Banding allows me to show off just a tad bit more length. My hair forms very tight coils that snap back instantly when wet or dry, nothing else aside from heat has helped me beat back the hair anorexia I've been going through lately.

I was going to suggest the same thing gloomgeisha suggested. Banding on dry or misted hair seems to help make the twist/hair conform better.
i twist my hair when its wet and saturated with product like a moisturizing cream...they never unravel unless I play with them. When dry they dont stay too long because the hair is not "set". I never tried the banding method before. I may have to give it a try.
This is how I keep my twists from getting out of shape... I sleep with nothing over my hair...no scarf, no satin cap, no ponytail holders... all that stuff messes my twists up. I just sleep on my pillowcase (it's not satin but my hair isn't breaking off). And my twists look fine when I wake up in the morning. :)
What is banding? Is it basically pulling your hair up on your head with a pony tail holder? I don't like adding water to my twists because it makes it coil up real bad.

Pooh, I tried your method last week. It seems my hair bulges up or curls under. I took a twist out today. I was retwisting it when My girlfriend was shocked how long my hair was on dry hair. I told her it looks good once I twist on dry hair but it starts acting up soon.
Country gal said:
What is banding? Is it basically pulling your hair up on your head with a pony tail holder? I don't like adding water to my twists because it makes it coil up real bad.

Banding is using hair bands at small intervals all the way down the length of your hair, in the direction you want the hair to stay. GloomGeisha has a banding example in her current photo album. A lot of the NP.com women (Skemet and Aiken come to mind) have banding photos in their albums too. Banding stretches the hair like pulling it into a ponytail does, but the stretching is evenly throughout your hair. You can band your twists at night/while showering/nookie :lol: to get them to keep their length better as well as prevent them from curling up in odd places.

Hopefully someone can explain it better than I.
Country gal said:
:look: If I don't get any than my skin will break out. :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You're funny.................

:eek:Hmmmm, maybe this would explain my spots... It's not a new skin routine I need, it's a MAN!!! :lachen:
yep SOOO true!

i twisted my sisters hair but she was conplaining about how short it would look the next day (shes a night sweater hehe) so i used one think head band to band there hair- first by putting it into a loose pony tail then adding the head band down the lengh of the hair. the next day it was as long/neat as when i first did it. she does this every night.
Guapa1 said:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: You're funny.................

:eek:Hmmmm, maybe this would explain my spots... It's not a new skin routine I need, it's a MAN!!! :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: The worst is when your skin is breaking out and some guy says you need a man.
My hair must sweat at night. I may try this banding thing. Cheleigh thanks for the explanation. I was trully clueless.