Unmarried Couples Going On Vacation Together?

I think it gives an appearance of sleeping together before marriage even if they aren't. It all depends. If people give the details of where they are staying with separate rooms, then that's that. But otherwise, it just looks funny in a religious sense. People go on dates and others should not assume they are having sex while out having fun but going for a weekend together....well???? It looks kinda iffy.
If you don't post on social media and tell folks you're going, you don't have to worry about the appearances. You get separate rooms and stay true to your values.

Honesty: I was not a virgin on my wedding day and a Christian all of my life.
Even if they don't stay in the same room, is it a good idea?

No, I don't think it's a good idea at all. Not just because of how it looks, but because it could lead to sin. Seriously, I know everyone thinks it won't be them, but the devil is roaring about looking for whom to devour, and we should not give place to him. If the couple get married, they can go on holiday together. And if they don't get married, they won't be burdened with unnecessary memories of the holiday. There's no need to rush these things. God bless.

P.S: It doesn't specify, but I assume we're talking about people who are in Christ.
@kanozas, @Belle Du Jour, @blessedandfavoured, @mensa Thank you all for responding! I asked this question because I told someone I'm going on vacation and she automatically assumed it was with a guy. I'm actually going to visit my brother lol.

She was questioning me extensively about "him" and I started wondering how it would look for me as a Christian to go on vacation with a partner and we are not married. I read various opinions online including one by Yolanda Adams who said it's ok. She says she goes on vacation with her "boo" and they don't act like a married couple but as sweethearts. I have no idea what that means. See article below:


Personally, I wouldn't do it...