Unexcusable =(


New Member
This boy came to my house. He's going on a mission trip to Brazil. He asked to support raise. I said I didn't have any cash (which I didn't). He said they accept checks. I felt kind of weird giving someone a check I didn't know plus I wasn't sure where my checkbook was, but I didn't look for it. I told him to give me his address so I could pray about it then mail but he didn't want to give me his address (guess he's paranoid too). I'm REALLY paranoid about giving my info out.


I should have written it out to the organization, then put his name under Notes. That's what my supporter did for me.

I feel really bad now. Ugh. I lift him up in prayer: Damion from NY. He did leave me an envelope with the name of the organization, maybe I can call and then try to donate in his name. Damion is not a common name. To see a brother out there trying to do something for the Lord...but I'm from the city, everyone is trying to steal your money.

Jesus. I guess this is a prayer request: please pray that he gets the money he needs. He's Damion from NY, in school in Alabama and he's working with the National Association for the Prevention of Starvation. And then he gave me a book about santification. What a wonderful ministry.

Just lifting him up in prayer.
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togethernessinchrist said:
This boy came to my house. He's going on a mission trip to Brazil. He asked to support raise. I said I didn't have any cash (which I didn't). He said they accept checks. I felt kind of weird giving someone a check I didn't know plus I wasn't sure where my checkbook was, but I didn't look for it. I told him to give me his address so I could pray about it then mail but he didn't want to give me his address (guess he's paranoid too). I'm REALLY paranoid about giving my info out.


I should have written it out to the organization, then put his name under Notes. That's what my supporter did for me.

I feel really bad now. Ugh. I lift him up in prayer: Damion from NY. He did leave me an envelope with the name of the organization, maybe I can call and then try to donate in his name. Damion is not a common name. To see a brother out there trying to do something for the Lord...but I'm from the city, everyone is trying to steal your money.

Jesus. I guess this is a prayer request: please pray that he gets the money he needs. He's Damion from NY, in school in Alabama and he's working with the National Association for the Prevention of Starvation. And then he gave me a book about santification. What a wonderful ministry.

Just lifting him up in prayer.

Yeah, I would say pray about it and call the organization. Then you can feel better about giving him the money.
Yeah, don't be so hard on yourself... ;) We all have moments like that. You still have a chance to pray about it and donate in his name. :)
Stay at peace. I get many calls for 'support' and I flatly tell them that our family does not give over the phone. I ask them to refer me to their website and I'll donate online.

In your case, you did right. It's hard to discern these days who is honest and who is not. It's a shame, but that's the way this world has made itsself into.
I woulda done the same thing.

2 girls came to my house doing the same thing, and I REALLY didn't have money. I was like "can you come back tomorrow, they said they couldn't."
Why? I dunno. But I wasn't comfortable. So it was over and done with.

Sad though.
I wouldn't worry about it so much either. You can still donate after you have done your research. There are too many shisters now days. You were wise in your decision.;)