Uneven hair lengths makes my hair look thin


Active Member
I have 7 inches in the crown, 6 inches on the side, 4 inches in the crown and outer perimeter, and a 5 inch bang.

When I went to get a trim, my beautician did a great job of just trimming. However, he told me that I have a layered look which makes my sides and back look thin. Not see through poor , uneven and straggly, but thin.

I do know that my hair grows slower in the crown than anywhere else on my head.

What I would like is close to one length all over as possible to achieve that thick, full look.

Have you experienced this in your journey and how have you remedied the situation?

Thanks in advance.
Yeah I had to deal with that twice. When I was high school, I let my cousin do my hair and it went downhill from there. I had see through hair, so I cut it off to the nape. Another time was 2 years ago, I had a bad relaxer, and had see through hair and I cut it off to ear level. I feel if my hair is long, it should be thick, if its thin, no need to hang on to it. But thats just me. So my goal was when my hair start growing back, I will work on thickness and lenght later. So far so good. Now im working on length. But if it start to thin out, i have no problem putting the scissors to it. But I doubt I would need them cause I learned so much from this site and my thickness is steady thriving.
Yep:yep:...my hair grows in natural V shaped layers...the sides grow much slower than the back...don't cut it...even though it is tempting...be patient the strands will catch up to each other...eventually...mine did:yep:
Yes, I can testify!! Last summer I had my BSL layered hair style cut into a bob because the layers made my hair look very thin and unhealthy when I tried wearing it straight. I couldn't be more happier now. :)
I have that issue as well. You can see in my siggy that my middle is shorter than my sides. The middle section has no curl to it so will tend to get overprocessed at times. My hair is in layers which I don't mind but if I'm not careful my middle will be very see through. The only remedy I have is to not use direct heat and make sure I have a good moisture/protein mix at all times.
I have that issue as well. You can see in my siggy that my middle is shorter than my sides. The middle section has no curl to it so will tend to get overprocessed at times. My hair is in layers which I don't mind but if I'm not careful my middle will be very see through. The only remedy I have is to not use direct heat and make sure I have a good moisture/protein mix at all times.
Your hair looks nice and full too me. :yep: I personally like when the sides are longer than the middle/back because it makes the ends look more blunt and thick. You have nothing to worry about! :)
I kept cutting until I got my desired thickness.

I think layers are evil, they take so long to grow out.
Your hair looks nice and full too me. :yep: I personally like when the sides are longer than the middle/back because it makes the ends look more blunt and thick. You have nothing to worry about! :)

Thank you! I am very sensitive when it comes to the middle of my hair.:lachen::lachen: I always think it has issues.
I think THICK ends are as important has having hair period. I am scheduled to have about 2 inches cut from my SL hair b/c the ends are thin from layers.

What is a good way to tell the point at which the hair gets then? I was thinking that I could put hair in a low pony and band it until i see where it gets thin and cut there?...thoughts?

p.s. brooklyn72- your hair is thick and luscious :lick:
Thanks Ladies!

I have come too far to cut my hair. My hair is not thin and breaking at all. It's mostly uniform in length, but appears thin because of the middle. If I cut, I'll afraid of being ear length for the rest of this year and maybe beyond. I sure hope the middle catches up with the sides and back soon.
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