Understanding Hair Growth Cycles

I am somewhat confused on our hair growth cycles. Can someone please explain it to me.... What is it? What happens in between them? Does our hair stop growing and this why our hair sheds? Please shed some light!!!! Thank You!! :)
Basically there's 3 phases where a hair strand grows, stops growing/ rests, and then sheds. The length of time that it takes for a hair strand to grow to the time that it sheds is the growth cycle, and also determines how long hair can possibly be. For example, hair on your legs and arms have a much shorter life cycle than the hair on your head. So even if you don't shave the hair on your arms, it's never gonna be as long as the hair on your head.

It's also the reason why some people have longer hair than others. Some people have longer hair life cycles of, say 7 years, so their hair can grow down to their waist, while others with a life cycle of 5 years can grow it to their mid' back. Men have shorter hair life spans than women, so their hair is shorter. I think caucasians have longer cycles, as well as faster growth rates.

Cathy Howse does a good job explaining this, I think, on her site: www.ubhpublications.com
shunemite said:
Basically there's 3 phases where a hair strand grows, stops growing/ rests, and then sheds. The length of time that it takes for a hair strand to grow to the time that it sheds is the growth cycle, and also determines how long hair can possibly be. For example, hair on your legs and arms have a much shorter life cycle than the hair on your head. So even if you don't shave the hair on your arms, it's never gonna be as long as the hair on your head.

It's also the reason why some people have longer hair than others. Some people have longer hair life cycles of, say 7 years, so their hair can grow down to their waist, while others with a life cycle of 5 years can grow it to their mid' back. Men have shorter hair life spans than women, so their hair is shorter. I think caucasians have longer cycles, as well as faster growth rates.

Cathy Howse does a good job explaining this, I think, on her site: www.ubhpublications.com

Very interesting thanx for this post guys
Thank-You for the info. I wish I had some indication of how long my hair can possibly grow. All of my picture from my youth were after "they cut my hair off" I think I remember having long hair. Guess I will just have to wait and see.