Understanding God's Timing: A Question


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

Happy Labor Day! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday.

I started this thread, b/c it's one area in my walk that I admittedly have had the greatest "difficulty" with: UNDERSTANDING GOD'S TIMING:yep:

Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I feel like God works in my life completely "out of order." I know that He says be still and know that I am God.

But I admit that sometimes I don't understand His timing for things. What I mean specifically is that I feel that God brings things into my life in an "awkward order"

Of course if it truly is Him, then He's bringing these things in the right order, I just don't understand this order.

For example, I would think that God would want my life to be in a better place before He brought a man. Or for example, I would think that God would want you to have a job/income before buying the right house. These are just examples (not even necessarily personal to me). But sometimes I just don't understand!

Am I the only one?
No. You're not. For me, I know it's a matter of God's timing. For me, it's just a matter of me not always being patient to see what he has planned for me.
No. You're not. For me, I know it's a matter of God's timing. For me, it's just a matter of me not always being patient to see what he has planned for me.

Thanks for your response.

I think in my case, there are times that I think God is working "out of order"

It's like once I don't need something, that's when it seems God provides it. It's hard to explain, but a lot of times in my life, I feel like God works in a reverse order (it would be like going to a party before you take a major exam, when most people would celebrate after). I'm not sure how else to explain it, but that's how I often feel God works in my life, and it confuses me!
Thanks for your response.

I think in my case, there are times that I think God is working "out of order"

It's like once I don't need something, that's when it seems God provides it.
It's hard to explain, but a lot of times in my life, I feel like God works in a reverse order (it would be like going to a party before you take a major exam, when most people would celebrate after). I'm not sure how else to explain it, but that's how I often feel God works in my life, and it confuses me!

I can relate to this. It's like I will really desire something, but I only get when I dont realy want it anymore.

Example, when I was in middle school, my family wanted me to be on the honor roll so badly and I never got it. I always missed it by one spot. I was always disappointed and then when I got to high school, I started getting lots of honors classes, but at the time it didnt even faze me anymore.
Thanks for your response.

I think in my case, there are times that I think God is working "out of order"

It's like once I don't need something, that's when it seems God provides it. It's hard to explain, but a lot of times in my life, I feel like God works in a reverse order (it would be like going to a party before you take a major exam, when most people would celebrate after). I'm not sure how else to explain it, but that's how I often feel God works in my life, and it confuses me!

Great thread. Yes, it's like once I stop begging for it, and forget about it, God brings it in my life. :perplexed One thing though, He always brings things in the right order for me..and very gradually too. :yep:
This is going to sound extremely hypocritical (please don't chew me up). I know that through Jesus Christ I have God's grace and mercy every second of my life. I just don't feel that He cares about what I want or think. I'm serious.
This is going to sound extremely hypocritical (please don't chew me up). I know that through Jesus Christ I have God's grace and mercy every second of my life. I just don't feel that He cares about what I want or think. I'm serious.

Hi and ((((((HUGS))))) to you. Yes, God does loves and cares for you. You just have to really seek God's will for your life. Life is not meant to be understood in all things that is why we seek God with all of our hearts. I hope this helps. You are in my prayers!:yep:
I can relate to this. It's like I will really desire something, but I only get when I dont realy want it anymore.

That's called leanness of soul. I heard a wonderful sermon by Bishop Dale Bronner about this topic and it relates to wanting something so bad and you don't even want it after you get it.
This is going to sound extremely hypocritical (please don't chew me up). I know that through Jesus Christ I have God's grace and mercy every second of my life. I just don't feel that He cares about what I want or think. I'm serious.

I won't chew you up:lol:

I'm not sure exactly how you meant the bolded, but I interpreted it to mean one of two things, and I'll try to answer to both.

If you meant that He doesn't care about what you think, in terms of just genuinely not caring, I definitely don't think that's true. I know that God ALWAYS cares about my feelings, but He's not always "moved" by everything. For example, if I spend the day crying, God loves me and "feels" my tears, but He's not "moved" by them, especially if my sadness prevents me from taking action. Nor will my "crying" be the thing that causes God to take action. Think of your parents. When you were little, you probably thought that crying would make them give you your way. And sometimes it might have, but sometimes (if not most times) it didn't cause them to "cave in," and God is no different.

If you meant that He doesn't care about what you want or think in the sense that your "desires" have nothing to do with HIS plan, I think that many of our desires are truly from God. I think the world/devil/flesh takes these Godly desires and manipulates/perverts them, and that's where we run into so many problems:yep:
Your not suppose to understand his timing. You should go with the flow of things and do the work that must be done to succeed. God is your source everything else is considered a resource.
I won't chew you up:lol:

I'm not sure exactly how you meant the bolded, but I interpreted it to mean one of two things, and I'll try to answer to both.

If you meant that He doesn't care about what you think, in terms of just genuinely not caring, I definitely don't think that's true. I know that God ALWAYS cares about my feelings, but He's not always "moved" by everything. For example, if I spend the day crying, God loves me and "feels" my tears, but He's not "moved" by them, especially if my sadness prevents me from taking action. Nor will my "crying" be the thing that causes God to take action. Think of your parents. When you were little, you probably thought that crying would make them give you your way. And sometimes it might have, but sometimes (if not most times) it didn't cause them to "cave in," and God is no different.

If you meant that He doesn't care about what you want or think in the sense that your "desires" have nothing to do with HIS plan, I think that many of our desires are truly from God. I think the world/devil/flesh takes these Godly desires and manipulates/perverts them, and that's where we run into so many problems:yep:

I sincerely thank you for this post. You perfectly understood everything I was trying to articulate (I had eyes full of tears when I posted yesterday.) I know God hears me and he loves me. It hurts when something I plan for or hoped and prayed for didn't work out accordingly. I know His plan is flawless. But it still hurts, the disappointment and heartache at times seems too much to bear. I have many, many testimonies of My Father working in my life. True miracles. I am Blessed and thank you again for opening my eyes. I pray that God will continue to use you as an instrument for His Will. May God Bless you!
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I sincerely thank you for this post. You perfectly understood everything I was trying to articulate (I had eyes full of tears when I posted yesterday.) I know God hears me and he loves me. It hurts when something I plan for or hoped and prayed for didn't work out accordingly. I know His plan is flawless. But it still hurts, the disappointment and heartache at times seems too much to bear. I have many, many testimonies of My Father working in my life. True miracles. I am Blessed and thank you again for opening my eyes. I pray that God will continue to use you as an instrument for His Will. May God Bless you!

No problem! I too am struggling to always understand God's will. Boy, when they said He works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS, they REALLY meant it:lol:

And sometimes this mystery is soooooooooooooooooooo hard to understand, but I have accepted the things I can't change (shot out to serenity prayer)!

Trusting God is the only thing we can do.

Remember: Faith isn't faith until it's all you are holding onto:yep:

And a happier one: Life is a party and God is the event planner!