Underprocessed with Silk Elements Lye Mild Relaxer


Active Member
Hey girls. :) I relaxed my hair last night and I left the relaxer on for the correct time and it came out underprocessed. I gave this relaxer two other tries before and I got the same results. Would you girls recommend some Lye relaxers that are won't leave me underprocessed? I want to be able to relax almost bone straight. I love the sleek look.:yep: Thanks girls. P.S. all of the deep conditioning treatments worked. I don't have anymore breakge! Yay me!!!:grin:
Like vkb247 said if you want that sleek look you may have to use regular strength relaxer.

I have switched to mild relaxers for the moment and it still gets my hair straight but of course for that really nice sleek look regular gets the job done best.
I was going to say the same thing. Maybe mild isn't the way to go for you if you want bone straight. Try regular.
Same here, I tried the Mild SE and my hair was under processed.:perplexed I changed to Regular SE and it worked fine.:yep:
Yeah...my hair was WAAAY underprocessed the first time I tried the Silk Elements mild lye relaxer. For proof you can go check out my album and look at the pictures in my "Awful Truth" album lol. By the 2nd week my newgrowth was already unbearable!! :eek:

Interestingly enough however, the second time I got a touchup with the SE mild formula, it straightened my hair perfectly! So...go figure!

I would suggest the regular strength if you like your hair straight and silky. Or, try another brand of a mild relaxer. Even though I can't STAND Affirm (me and Affirm do NOT get along :nono: ) I found that even the mild formula got my hair pretty straight and silky.
Usually when I hear about SE Mild I think of someone who doesn't want to relax bone straight, but is looking to texlax (I think Sareca uses this to texlax her tresses). Try a stronger formula (Regular or Super is your hair doesn't take regular).
I have been using SE Mild for two years and the one thing I learned is that you absolutely cannot have anything in your hair prior to relaxing or you will be underprocessed. I have been underprocessed the last three times using SE Mild because I like to coat my hair with CHI Silk Infusion when I relax. So about three weeks ago I did a corrective and used the Regular strength...came out perfect. I would recommend trying Regular strength and see how that works. Good luck!!!
I used the regular strength and had the same problem. After the relaxer it was fine. When I washed a week later you couldn't even tell I had gotten a touch-up. I'm still not sure if I'll use again.
Yes, about 4 weeks ago my hair was relaxed with this same product and it came out overprocessed and very brittle as a result. I am not relaxing again unti 1-01-10. With my Beloved Affrim Senstive scalp.