Underprocessed Touch-Up


New Member
OK, my relaxer left my new growth underprocessed (is that the right term?) It didnt get completely straight. Now i'm worried because when i get my next relaxer (in 9 weeks) will i have to re-perm the area that was underprocessed or just perm the new growth and have different textures till it grows out? Should I get a "corrector" relaxer or will it all turn out ok? I'm not sure if making sense:confused:...thanks in advance for helpin' a newbie out:grin:!
I wanna know the answer to that too. I stretched for 6 months and I have about 3 inches of underprocessed hair and I am worried it will break from the previously relaxed.
I wanna know the answer to. I just relaxed my hair in August and it was underprocessed. Actually most of the relaxers i've had in the past year have been underprocessed. Since my last relaxer in August, I can't blow dry my hair and wear it down anymore. When I do it looks like one frizzy mess. I wonder if it's because I have about a year of underprocessed growth?
LaShanne said:
OK, my relaxer left my new growth underprocessed (is that the right term?) It didnt get completely straight. Now i'm worried because when i get my next relaxer (in 9 weeks) will i have to re-perm the area that was underprocessed or just perm the new growth and have different textures till it grows out? Should I get a "corrector" relaxer or will it all turn out ok? I'm not sure if making sense:confused:...thanks in advance for helpin' a newbie out:grin:!

The answer is yes. You can reapply the relaxer as soon as 4 weeks if you wanted to. I really thing it would be best to do it then because if you wait until your 9 weeks, you'll have to apply the realxer only on the new, new growth than wait until you have about 5 - 7 minutes left in the total application to apply if to the yunderprocessed hair. You've already relaxed that part and the next relaxer won't need to stay on that part that much longer.

But it's entirely up to you, just be careful and good luck. Also, is you go back an reapply the relaxer to the same area, it is called a corrective relaxer.

Ok, now I've heard otherwise. Since you don't stretch an entirely long time, why not just wait. Since some overlap occurs naturally after applying and smoothing, unless you had 5 inches of new growth, you can conciously make sure you "let it overlap" when you smooth. I can't remember the thread, but someone here intentionally underprocess for that very reason. That unintentional overlap the next time will straigten the underprocess area. But I think it's more of a personal preference. If you want bone straight hair, do it in 4-6 weeks. If not, I'd go ahead and wait. Also consider if you are having more breakage with the 2 different textures. If so, even with being extra careful and and extra moisture, I'd also thnk it would be best to relax early.
I had this same problem recently, I had intended to wait until my next relaxer to correct the underprocess but I discovered when I went to wash my hair that I had a lot of breakage trying to detangle the differeft textures so I went to the hair salon and had it corrected a week and a half after the original relaxer. Luckily I can say I didn't suffer any breakage or consequences as a result.
KeraKrazy said:
I had this same problem recently, I had intended to wait until my next relaxer to correct the underprocess but I discovered when I went to wash my hair that I had a lot of breakage trying to detangle the differeft textures so I went to the hair salon and had it corrected a week and a half after the original relaxer. Luckily I can say I didn't suffer any breakage or consequences as a result.

I did as KeraKrazy, except I waited two weeks. It seems to have helped my breakage, because I was breaking like crazy, now I don't have but a few strands coming out and it appears to be sheeding. But that is maybe 10 strands versuses TONS before!!
I don't have any breakage, just frizzy dry hair. I CW daily and air dry so my hair being straight isn't a huge issue for me.

I'd say for about 1year i've been underprocessing my hair and my last relaxer in August it was just horribly dry and still is. I don't mind waiting till about December to relax again, I just wanted to know it's ok to basically relax more than just my new growth.