Underprocessed relaxed hair


New Member
Hi all,
I'm new to my HHJ and have been on it for 6 months now. Anyway, after doing tons of research (on LHCF, of course :grin:), I finally decided to self-relax. I used Index I Phyto-specifc for fine hair (even tho I don't really have fine hair) and mixed about 1/8 a cup of olive oil in to the mix. I applied and smoothed for the specified amount of time on the package (20 minutes), did a mid protein treatment using Aphogee 2 min and ended up with severely underprocessed hair. Now, don't get me wrong, I was looking to achieve a less than bone straight appearance to the hair thanks to LCHF. Hence, Index 1 of Phyto. But now I don't know what to do! My hair is straight at the roots (the relaxer took very well at the top), highly textured (appearing almost untouched) in the middle and bone straight on the ends (thanks to years of salon visits, and subsequent breakage).

I would like to re-process my highly textured middle, but don't want to risk damage! After all, I have gone from SL to APL in 6 months thanks to my new HHJ ! Also, I should probably mention that I waited exactly 1 year (to the date) between my last relaxer and that amount of new growth I faced would be difficult for anyone to battle, much less a newbie like myself!

Its been a week, and I haven't experienced any breakage. I waited a week before doing both a moisturizing condish and a protein condish and low manipulation has been the name of the game since I don't want to cause breakage at my, not 1 but 2, demaracation lines. Has anyone experienced this? Moving forward, what should I do? And is re-processing the less processed hair safe? If so, how should I proceed?

Sorry this is so long, but I am really in need of some serious help!
I'm relaxed straight, so I don't know if this will be as helpful to you, but because my underprocessed sections are in different places, I wait about a week.. so that gives me time to get familiiar with where to apply the relaxer. I then carefully relax in sections for 5-10 min or more depending on the curl pattern, rinse or shampoo, then move on to the next section.

Because I want to be careful about overlapping (try to avoid the temptations to do larger sections... this will lead to your previously relaxed roots being overprocessed), I work in small sections but usually I only have a couple of spots to do which might be different than what you're experiencing. I would also encourage you to use vaseline on your newly relaxed roots.

ETA: I've also ignored my underprocessed sections, however I usually regret this a couple of years down the road because of breakage at that demarcation.
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I think I remember a bunch of threads on LHCF that discuss how to do a "corrective" or something to that effect. Perhaps if you have some time, you can check some of those threads out. I think I can remember some suggestions of at least 2 - 3 weeks of waiting before doing anything else chemical, but I may have that wrong.

For every issue, there seems to be a "thread" for that. I love this site.

Hope you find just what you're looking for...
You officially have "jack-laxed" hair :-). I've been too lazy to make a thread about it but I believe there are others on hair who have your same issue.

I've been self relaxing for about a year now and Im mostly texlaxed except for my ends. I planned on doing correctives once I started self reklaxing but I was lazy and left everything alone and ended up with varying degrees of processed hair. IDK if this will come back and bite me (hopefully not!) but I've continued to experience growth and retention despite the varying degrees of straightness. So much so that I'm beginning to think I may never do a corrective and just let things be.

Just a thought and hope this helps
Spring- Yes that helps so much! For some reason, I never considered protecting my roots, although I know all about protecting the ends! I will def try that!

@In Bloom- I searched all over, and couldn't really find the answer to my questions. Idk if my search terms weren't good or not, but if you come across anything, please post :grin:

belletropjolie- I've considered leaving my underprocessed hair be, but I'm so afraid of breakage and of course, I don't want any set backs. But it makes me feel better hearing that so far it hasn't caused much of a problem for you. In any case, I usually wait a long time between relaxers, but this time if I do a corrective I'm only going to do 10 weeks, which is a stretch in itself, and in the meantime do low manipulation/protective styling in hopes to limit the stress on my hair. If anyone has any other tips, please keep them coming :yep:
TOO much oil in a mild strength relaxer IOM i would NOT do a corrective :nono: in a week a would wait at least four. I have very thick hair When you add that much oil to a relaxer you should up the strength of the relaxer a tea spoon in a regular relaxer
Thanks for the tip, Camilla! This is all new to me and I really thought I was doing something good, smh. Since phyto is known to be so mild, I'm thinking I will probably not add any oil to it at all.

Also, thanks for the link @ Lissalove, so helpful :)
I have unintentionally tex-laxed my hair due to using Mizani Butter Blends. I bought the whole system and used it 4 or 5 times and came out underprocessed EVERY single time. Instead of correcting it, I just let it be. Too afraid I would mess things up. Unfortunately, I have had lots of breakage at the line of demarcation which I noticed a few weeks ago. It's pretty bad but I still have lots of hair and my hair is shoulder length. I think you probably should use Phyto Index 2. When I was doing research on Phyto relaxers, I got the impression Index 1 was for white chics with curly hair.
You probably did not need to put so much oil. I've used Phyto Index I before and it didn't give my 4a hair the straigtness I desire so I switched to Index II. I am going to relax myself in 3 months and want to put conditioner in my relaxer but I just don't know how much. I don't want to use oil because I think it will make the relaxer too runny.