Underprocessed Nape


New Member
Hey ladies,

I relaxed my hair 5 weeks ago, but the stylist didn't do the nape area very well, and I now have 2 inches of natural hair there, and 1/2 inch in other areas. I don't plan to relax till another 4 weeks, but I want to get my hair blown out next week. Are there any repurcussions to blowing out underprocessed hair? Or would it be wiser for me to jus relax that area again properly before I blow out?

Since it's already been 5 weeks, either option should be fine, but I would choose to blow it out as it is and just leave the nape for your next touchup.
balisi said:
Since it's already been 5 weeks, either option should be fine, but I would choose to blow it out as it is and just leave the nape for your next touchup.


I should've added that my nape area has broken off, and is now only 3 inches long. Part of the reason I wanted to relax it, is that it now looks a bit 'off' when my hair is down as it kinda 'bounces off' the thicker natural nape hair.
No there are no repercussion to blowing out underprocessed hair. Actually underprocessed hair is alot stronger than bone-stright hair. However, you do have to watch the point at which the underprocessed area meets the fully relaxed hair becuase it is at this point where your hair could break off over time if you arent careful.:( This happened to me a few months ago, but it took a few months and about 4 inches of new hair for me to notice the thinning ends in that area. It was a verrry small area so it didnt hurt me to just do a small snip snip.:)