Underprocessed? Don't know what to do next


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I am not quite sure how to fix my current problem. Please help me, as this has never happened before.

Background: I get relaxers every 8-9 weeks, and I have been relaxed for many years. I have sensitive skin and can burn easily even when I haven't scratched prior to a touch up. Last spring I found out that I could apply small amounts of castor oil to my scalp prior to a touch up to avoid burning. I was told to do this for two days prior to the relaxer. I tried it and it worked.

I had a baby 20 months ago and had lots of shedding, and some breakage since I did not relax at all during pregnancy. I even had some bald spots. My new stylist is into healthy hair and after the baby was born we deep conditioned, cut out all direct heat, and have been doing wet sets. My hair has loved this and the growth has taken off like crazy. The bald spots are filled in and the new growth is THICK. Overall, my hair is much stronger and has grown a lot.

The problem: I got a touch up on Oct. 30th. I had some extremely thick new growth. It was hard to even finger comb myhair let alone comb it. I did apply a small amount of castor oil to my scalp for two days prior. After the touch up, while still wet, my hair looked fine. but wasn't as straight as usual in the back once my wet set was dry. I don't go for bone straight hair, but just relaxed, if that makes sense. Now, I have a thick layer of new growth! I don't know if this is really "new" growth or if my hair was underprocessed. What do you all think? If it was underprocessed, was it probably because of the castor oil? What should I do next? I don't want to overprocess my hair either and suffer a set back. Should I have the stylist apply more relaxer when I see her for a wet set on the 23rd, or should I just wait it out until my next touch up on Dec 23rd?
Okay, I didn't realize that my first post of this thread actually posted. I was unable to find it so I posted again. Please ignore. I have no idea how to delete a post.