Underprocessed and DRY! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
This is kinda long...

Well I went and got my touch up this past Saturday. (my girlfriend did it for me) I used 1 and 1/2 jars of Phyto 1. While rinsing out the perm, she started complaing about little bits of perm left in my hair. And it was hard like little bitty rocks. After a while of rinsing and getting the perm out, I noticed how THICK and HEAVY my hair had gotten!!! I was so excited! BUT I also noticed how dry and rough the part that got permed felt too. Well I went ahead and put the Milky Reconstructor that came with the perm on and let it sit for a few minutes. My hair still felt dry afterwards. I can really FEEL the two textures of my hair. So, I went home with damp hair (because I did not bring any conditioner with me to soften my hair and she did not have any in her house) to see if I can soften up my hair some and after deep conditioning with ORS Replenishing Pac for 20min under the dryer, my hair felt a little better but I noticed while/after airdrying with my leave ins which consisted of Lacio Lacioand Aveda Damage Control My hair felt a little better but not soft like I had just gotten a perm. Well after really examining my hair in the mirror while it was airdrying, I notice that that I am REALLY TEXLAXED. I guess this is what I wanted but I am afraid not because I do not know if I can handle this. I do not know what to do because I am afraid not that Phyto dried out my hair. Am I going to have to flat iron my roots all the time until my next touch up which is 4 months away? because if I dont, it is not going to lay right. Should/can I get a corrective using another perm? I did not post pics because I am still on the HYH challenge until Xmas. My hair is flat ironed now. It looks nice but it feels dry but still thicker and heavier which is nice but not moisturized. What to do? The first time using Phyto gave me good results. But this time :wallbash: :perplexed :ohwell: :nono:

How are you ladies handeling your texlaxed hair with two textures? I really want to be texlaxed but being that I have two textures it is going to be hard.

I am scared!
Daily CoWashes helped me alot and helped to make my hair softer. I also did some homeade conditioners like Avacado mask mixed with lost of different oils. I also started oil rinses which helped bring moisture into my hair and also make it softer (castor oil was my best friend) I personally got tired of the two textures and this past relaxer I relaxed bone straight and I must say that I am enjoying it.
:bighug: I am sure that you can get through this but if think that doing a corrective will make it better and you can manage it more then I say probably wait about 4 weeks and do the corrective.
i dont really have any advice. i accidentally textlaxed my hair this weekend because it was my first self relaxer. but im not mad because my hair is lot easier to manage even thought its not bone straight. i'll do a corrective in about 6 to 8 weeks. i think thats how long you should wait if you want to do that. all i can say is DC with moisture often and moisturize daily. good luck!
I think the relaxer is a problem. Maybe you should tex with some other relaxer. As for softness I say go for a good conditioner and use coconut oil. I don't know if you baggie, but if you do, try doing that without applying any kind of moisture at night to your hair. I baggie by just putting the bag on my hair, no other moisture. hth.
I have texlaxed hair and I know for some it can be troublesome dealing with the 2 textures. What works for me is moisture and lots of it!! I do deep conditioning every time I wash and co washes every now and then. I say if you're having breakage or are unhappy with the texlax, wait at least 6 weeks to do a corrective.
I think co-washes, deep conditioning and daily moisturizing would help and definately wait at least 6 weeks before doing a corrective.
Try an oil rinse and follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioner.

The last time I relaxed, I used Lye ORS which made my hair shiny but hard. I did an oil rinse then conditioned with my secret formula (Suave professionals humectress $2.99 and V05 $.99 tea therapy mixed together.) My hair softened up alot. I usually condition wash daily so after the third time my hair was back to normal.
This may sound crazy but follow this link:


I am keeping my relaxed hair moisturized with hand/body lotion. I use Jergens Shea Butter creme.

I just relaxed my hair with a no-lye relaxer and USUALLY have so much trouble with dryness but this time I started using hand lotion in conjunction with my silicon mix or serum and then I seal with WGO. No dryness at all.
Thanks ladies for all of your support and advice. I am going to take it into consideration.

Do you think next time I should try Phyto 2 or another perm?

For those of you that DID a corrective, did you do it yourself and used different perm?
I think the relaxer is a problem. Maybe you should tex with some other relaxer. As for softness I say go for a good conditioner and use coconut oil. I don't know if you baggie, but if you do, try doing that without applying any kind of moisture at night to your hair. I baggie by just putting the bag on my hair, no other moisture. hth.
Girl you know I was thinking about you because I remember the same thing happened to you. Did you ever get a corrective? How have you been dealing with it? How have you been wearing your hair? Since you baggy, do you get a lot of puffy hair?
Do you think next time I should try Phyto 2 or another perm?

That's the first thing I thought when I read your story. Have you been using Phyto for a long time, or was this the first?

While rinsing out the perm, she started complaing about little bits of perm left in my hair

This was the key right here. Did your friend smooth in the relaxer? If so, and the relaxer still did this, then its not for you.
I would say try another perm. I liked using ORS LYE it was great left my hair like butter.

I did the perm myself and used a different perm.

Thanks ladies for all of your support and advice. I am going to take it into consideration.

Do you think next time I should try Phyto 2 or another perm?

For those of you that DID a corrective, did you do it yourself and used different perm?
That's the first thing I thought when I read your story. Have you been using Phyto for a long time, or was this the first?

This was my second time using Phyto 1. The first time was nice. This time was not.

This was the key right here. Did your friend smooth in the relaxer? If so, and the relaxer still did this, then its not for you.
Yes, she smoothed the relaxer with the brush applicator.
I would say try another perm. I liked using ORS LYE it was great left my hair like butter.

I did the perm myself and used a different perm.
I used to use ORS No Lye. Never used Lye. ORS No lye made my hair too straight. Well then again, it could have been because the Dominicans made it too straight.

I don't know...:ohwell: