Under your weave


New Member
How are you taking care of your hair under your sew in? I have had mine in for almost a month and other than washing it and having it tightened what else can I do to ensure that I keep my hair properly moisturized and well kept? Oh and I have been MTGing but it is making my weave VERY oily! lol But I will keep doing it.

But what are you ladies doing to your hair under your weave? I want to be APL by the end of the year and I'd cry if all my work is working against me.
I co-wash 2ce a week, ACV and DC once a week. I oil my scalp with sulphur/ mn mix at night and vatika in the morning. I keep my weave in max 4 weeks though and recently re-did it my hair looked absolutely the healthiest I can EVER remember :)
I co-wash 2ce a week, ACV and DC once a week. I oil my scalp with sulphur/ mn mix at night and vatika in the morning. I keep my weave in max 4 weeks though and recently re-did it my hair looked absolutely the healthiest I can EVER remember :)

How do you wear your weave? Because I leave the front out so washing like that would mean straightening my hair line way to much. I keep mine in for 6 to 8 weeks with a weekly wash but other than applying shampoo with an applicator bottle I don't feel like I am caring from my hair underneath.
I've got a full head curly weave, but do you DC after the shampoo? You may want to just condition wash rather than shampoo and maybe use ACV (dilute in application bottle) to clarify it gets rid of any buildup from the sulphur and doesn't dry my hair out. I put my conditioner in an applicator bottle dilute it a bit just enough for it to be runny then apply close to the scalp concentrating on my own hair, I cover with a bag and shower cap and let it sit for at least half an hour then rinse out. I rinse the extension with a cheapie conditioner as well and my hair's doing great :)
I've got a full head curly weave, but do you DC after the shampoo? You may want to just condition wash rather than shampoo and maybe use ACV (dilute in application bottle) to clarify it gets rid of any buildup from the sulphur and doesn't dry my hair out. I put my conditioner in an applicator bottle dilute it a bit just enough for it to be runny then apply close to the scalp concentrating on my own hair, I cover with a bag and shower cap and let it sit for at least half an hour then rinse out. I rinse the extension with a cheapie conditioner as well and my hair's doing great :)

No I have not DC yet. I used Infusium shampoo and conditioner. That sounds like a idea thanks for responding!
I co-wash 2ce a week, ACV and DC once a week. I oil my scalp with sulphur/ mn mix at night and vatika in the morning. I keep my weave in max 4 weeks though and recently re-did it my hair looked absolutely the healthiest I can EVER remember :)

With the exeption of the vatika, this is my exact regimine. I have my front out and after I wash I put JBCO on the ends of my exposed hair and smooth it around (like a wrap), tie it down overnight and there is no need for straightening. I also moisterize between the rows every other day with S-Curl. My hair is the healthiest that I can EVER remember.:grin:
I wash my weaves every two weeks. When I do them myself, I don't do a conditioner afterwards, I just use a leave in like fermodyl 619 or Infusium. When I get it done at the salon I get a condtioner b/c they can rinse it out really well. Then I oil my scalp w/ Kemi Oyl and spray w/ African Royale Braid Spray and diluted Infusium. I still use Kemi Oyl even if I use MTG b/c I think the Kemi actually moisturizes the hair while the MTG is a growth aid and hair thickner. And when I take it down I do an Aphogee Treatment (the hard one) and that's it. Oh, and sometimes I put ORS olive moisturizer on my hair to give it extra moisture.
I washed my weave after 3 weeks. I washed it at the salon as this is my first weave and I was a bit worried about being able to shampoo and rinse out properly. I sat under the dryer for an hour and a half and the braids underneath were still wet :-( I gave up and decided to let it airdry until it was completely dry and let them style. It finally did dry but the time I woke up the next day.

How can you girls that wash weekly or more regularly deal with it?

My hair underneath does feel really clean and moisturised 3 days later even though I have not put anything in it since.

Generally I spray with braid spray but I am thinking of getting some infusium too.
I got a full sew-in with a cap and no hair out on friday. I haven't done much to it as of yet but will wash it this weekend. I've been spraying it every morning and night with Next Image Avocado Oil & Shea Butter 2 in 1 Conditioner and Detangler. So hopefully my braids under this cap are getting some of the moisture.
I have always wanted to experiement with full sew-ins but my scalp NEEDS to be massaged clean or it will build up and be ICKY ( I would be the person sticking bobby pins in to scratch or patting my head everywhere if i couldnt). I always wondered how people were able to get a good clean scalp but these are good tips.
I washed in the kitchen sink about every 10 days and sometimes rinsed w/ ACV in between washes. Once, I used too much ACV and smelled like a pickle. When I was working out on a regular basis I had more of a problem because of the buildup at the back where all the braids meet. I mixed CON and water in a tipped bottle and used that on my scalp. I used Nexxuss Therappe and Humectress on the EPRT because it was recommended by the mfr. (I will be looking for a generic version or an alternative because that stuff is too expensive to be using on weave hair.)

During my last weave, my scalp itched like a beast during the first week (I think it was because of the crappy Kankelon I used in my cornrows but it could have been that I was starting to use Surge).

Anyway for daily conditioning I used Surge 14 and when that ran out, I used some Infusium I have w/ a little EVOO mixed in. I rubbed ORS lotion and then EVOO on the hair ball at the back to get extra moisture on my ends.

When I took my hair down it felt moisturized.

I have EPRT, but I am going to buy some cheapie hair and experiment w/ my braid pattern for my next weave & trying to put more of my hair away. My horseshoe was really damaged and is not progressing w/ the rest of my hair.
Hey all, I am new to this and all of your hints have been helpful. I recently cut off my APL hair to a bob thats is now skimming my shoulders. I also forgot my college grad pics are coming up and i hate this new cut so I have decided to put a sew in weave. I have relaxed 3c and have never put in any weaves or braids in before and I have NO idea how to care for my hair when I put it in. :nono:

One more thing... Im in college and SHOULD be able to figure out ur abbreviations but certain one are completely a mystery :spinning:so if you can help me out with those that would be great!

( I am asking for alot right):newbie:
My braids are horizontal (I have a long straight weave) and I can get to my scalp with no problem. I really need to get some ACV. I cannot wash that often because I am about 3 months post so I will keep it to once a week. But I really like the ACV to get the scalp clean.