Under the dryer = softer new growth


Well-Known Member
QUESTION: How often can I sit under the dryer per week?
Is this still considered damaging heat?

Ok, now that I've apealled to those with short attention spans
here's why I'm asking this question:


So, I think I know why my hair was beginning to be difficult to manage with all my new growth...

I think it was because the textures were extremely distinct when I would air-dry. Air-drying would take so long and could allow my new growth to curl much more than my texturized hair.

Well anyway...I flattwisted my hair and sat under the dryer last night and my hair is so much softer and I have much more consistent texture.

I think we have a winner! My only worry is whether I can do this at least 2 times a week.

Thanks guys ==thumbs up===
OK, this is not going to answer your question, but how do you flat-twist. Is it like french braiding? I can't seem to get mine to stay. But, of course, I don't know WHAT I'm doing.
hey girl.....

Yeah, it took me a while to understand the concept of it. It's basically frenchbraiding/cornrolling with only 2 strands as opposed to 3. You use the same under/over, picking up hair rotations that you would if you were cornrolling, except you're only using 2 strands of hair