Unable to log out


Yes indeed!!
Whenever I try, I get this:
Error Page : 404

Your IP address is : ************
Your browser is : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; CMS Music Store2 v1.00.09 (Music Store,1033); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
You came here from : http://www.longhaircareforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20
You have requested : /login.phpdo=logout&logouthash=c8d80d801fffa0b58dff624bed6e6441

You have requested a resource that does not exist. The above information has been logged.
If you have reached this page trying to access the Long Hair Care Discussion Forum, please have a look at the Maintenance Page.

What's that about??
Well I can't stay logged in, everytime I try to look at another page it logs me out, :confused: . I don't know what went on the yesterday but somethings are not like they use to be. :ohwell:
yeah the same thing is happening to me too when i try to look at new posts i get that same error message. when i try to do an advanced search it just logs me out.