(UN)Healthy hair RANT...

So I was in Express about 40 mins ago...)and I bought a dress, but that is not the important part.)

The Issue: The lighting in their dressing room had me staring at my hair--people probably thought I fell asleep or something it took me so long with those 5 items! I was staring at, no--studying my hair because it looked like crap. Like swanging, APL, WTF, fly-aways for days crap...

Now, in my mirror at home I looked like a model....super--not runway LOL.

So, I immediately started thinking of pulling a Britney Spears right there in the store...

My question to you is:
How does YOUR hair look in Express???!!! (Yes, I expect you to go to Express if you need to lol).

I am specifically asking those who know, that they know, that they know, that their hair is healthy...I personally have been trying so hard to make my hair healthy that I've been experimenting alot and it is not as healthy as it could be due to all the product changes etc.

Ladies, I can NOT have hair that needs to avoid certain places...I already don't swim....

Please comment, I am still thinking of cutting it....

What should I do!?!

I think I figured it out ladies...

I think it was the trim I received during my last salon visit... I have been doing 12 week trims and June 10th I got a trim. Looking at some pics from that day, my ends look horrible. I was sooooo happy because it was my birthday and I was wearing a new dress that I forgot to reeeeeally look at my hair. It also did not occur to me that my stylist had to cut one area like 5 times (I thought to myself: "oh, wow, must've had a lot of splits"--what must've happened is that the shears weren't really cutting!!!!!!!!!

So, now, I think I will need to find another stylist and get another trim. Also, I usually only get the back evened out but this time I had my ENTIRE head trimmed!!!! So, my entire head looks BUSTED.

No idea what to do in the meantime, as I am afraid to even touch my hair. This is the only thing I can think of that would have changed my hair so drastically.

UPDATE: bought shears at Sallys and dusted my ends. Praise GOD! (now I need to go to Express again, just to be sure LOL)
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Your hair will look different in fluorescent or incandescent lighting such as in retail stores, office buildings or even grocery stores. So don't fret too much. Your hair is probably just fine.
If you have products that you know your hair likes, stick with them. I'm in the process of trying to find a regimen that uses the same products for a minimum of a month, to see how my hair responds. You may need to stop the experimentation for a while (and coming from a PJ like myself, that's saying something!) and let your hair just do its thing. I know you know the rest: low manipulation, moisture/protein balance, sealing, that stuff.
You must be good with your make-up then. The first thing I notice under those lights is how bad my skin looks... :look:

Don't sweat it girl... ;)
The best answer to your question is this... you said you looked great when you looked at yourself in the mirror before you left the house, right?

Well... did your hair look the same when you came back from the mall and looked at yourself in your mirror at home?

That is the question. Maybe your hair really did look like crap due to many things (humidity, wind, sweat). It happens to the best of us. Or maybe (as posted above), it was just a lighting issue at that particular store.

Do tell, I am interested to find out.
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Store dressing room lighting usually makes my hair look dull...lifeless...Sometimes it really is just the lighting, others it's just revealing the truth. However, like Reecie said, there are many factors.
i agree with ladylibra the first thing i notice is my skin, but as others previously stated it may be the lighting
soft lighting can make anything look good....your skin, hair, etc.
that's what i have at home, and my skin looks even...hair has no splits.

but then i went in macy's dressing room...and i was horrified at what i saw. my ends looked a mess..(so did my skin). so yea, flourescent light is no joke...lol
Oh man, I hate that "store lighting", as I call it. My skin looks worse than horrifying. :lol: I don't know if that's "reality" or what, but I'm sure I do not look that bad in most everyday situations, so I don't stress about it. It's only those lights where my skin looks like that, not in natural sunlight, photos, at work, just in those select stores with that extra-special lighting. :lol: