

Well-Known Member
Ok, I like many ladies here wear weaves as our protective style of choice, but what is up with women wearing JACKED UP weaves?

Now color and style is total up to personal choice, but some basic grooming should be a part of any hairstyle.

Everyday during my daily commute I see so many weave horrors! :eek:

You name it, I have probably seen it. Just this morning, I saw:

Straight weave hair that has not been combed and is sticking up and out in the back like it has been slept on for weeks.

Tracks hanging (not just showing, but HANGING) loose and dangling on a shoulder.

Care to name anything you have seen recently, that gives WEAVES a bad rap?
I hate to see tracks!! And I am not talking about tracks that were once hidden, but are now finding their ways to the light of day. No, no. I am talking about tracks that were just slapped in the front of the head with no hair covering them at all. I have seen this more times than I care to remember.
I personally have a problem seeing unnatural weave colors. If you skin tone is too dark, you need to stay away from the blonde colors. You ain't fooling nobody! I know one girl that is very dark and burgundy weaves are her signature style. I don't think burgundy is a natural color no matter who wears it. Simply put, black women can wear these colors but if their skin tone doesn't go with the hair, they won't be taken seriously.
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well, ladies these women/men are the one's who give weaves bad names..i see it all the time as well and it bothers me too as a weave wearer..i am someone who will research hard core, weaving techniques and styles ect..only for these people to ruin it by, wearing any ole peice of chopped up 2 dollar hair and never washing, brushing or just general care for their weave, but i gaurntee these same people have the same jacked up tresses under that weave..i can almost gaurntee that...loo
I has tempted to tell the woman with the hanging track that it was HANGING, but since it was around 8 a.m. - i figured she left the house looking like that. :confused:

So, I did not want to think I was picking on her for wearing a weave- when also I have one. :(
Just saw a woman at Walgreens about an hour ago. The glue from her tracks was flaking horribly in the top of her head. It gave new meaning to the term H.A.M. :nono:

Since June hit it's like I see nothing but wild-colored weaves, braids and other extensions. The majority of the styles do absolutely nothing to compliment the features of the girls and women wearing them.
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i personally have told people delicately that their tracks were showing or hanging sometimes you just dont know. but i always say something with hesitation because you never know how people will react
BabyImaStarr said:
I hate to see tracks!! And I am not talking about tracks that were once hidden, but are now finding their ways to the light of day. No, no. I am talking about tracks that were just slapped in the front of the head with no hair covering them at all. I have seen this more times than I care to remember.

:lachen: Me 2
I have a problem with folks that leave the weaves in so long they become dreaded and matted together. I mean, come on now. You know you got your hair done in February and it's coming up on August and you startin' to look like one of the Marleys.....
1)grayish/black twa/texturized short do w/1 pink track hanging down in the back
2)Big bun w/uncombed horse hair
3.a red n black uncombed chignon going in every direction possible w/the person's short 4b hair flying straight from the top

Which is worst?I seen those all today
I hate seeing weaves that dont blend well. I mean why you got some silky straight glued, sewn in and your hair isnt relaxed or pressed silky straight to match? Who are you trying to fool? I thought the whole purpose of weave is to look as natuarl to your own as possible that why they come in so many colors types and textures.
But, keeping it real... the silky stuff seems to be on sell more often then the good yaky:lol:

ETA: You see this mainly with people wearing them jeenie ponytails, the persons hair be looking all matted and dry then you see this 20in silky straight pony tacked on the back...eww not to mention bad color match....
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honeycomb719 said:
I hate seeing weaves that dont blend well. I mean why you got some silky straight glued, sewn in and your hair isnt relaxed or pressed silky straight to match? Who are you trying to fool?

You see, that is my pet peeve right there. JUST MAKE IT MATCH!! TRY TO FOOL US, PLEASE!:whyme:
Several years ago, I saw a girl working at a Burger King with fried/dyed orange hair. Several weeks later, she was sporting long, silky blonde weave that she had pinned up. It was so mismatched, that she might as well have been wearing a mop, that's how obviously unnatural it looked! :lol:

Another time, I saw a girl on the bus wearing a weave that she had pinned up (it was hot that day), and the weaved hair was silky, while the kitchen area looked like it hadn't seen a hot comb in weeks! :lol:

Not to mention all those times I've seen those women with those Genie pony tails that are long and silky, and their own hair is slicked, but crimped, not matching the ponytail at all.

These bad examples just adds to the whole "black women can't grow their hair" myth.

I totally agree with Brownhaired Bonanza when she says:

You see, that is my pet peeve right there. JUST MAKE IT MATCH!! TRY TO FOOL US, PLEASE!:whyme:
JLove74 said:
I have a problem with folks that leave the weaves in so long they become dreaded and matted together. I mean, come on now. You know you got your hair done in February and it's coming up on August and you startin' to look like one of the Marleys.....

I agree with this, there's this girl at my school who's braids look like dreadlocks. Her new growth is covering the top half of her braids. So instead of seeing her braids at the top you see her hair matted up on top of the braids. Her hair is short and for the braids that are visible it looks like it's just hanging from her hair like the predator. It's looks like she has had these braids in for years.
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Dirty Hair!

Weave, track, ponytail (phony or real) That's just nasty not to even wash your own hair! With gel caked up in it like that's gonna make it look better! Even worse, you took your raggedy weave out after 6 months, didn't wash it, didn't get the glue that's caked up on your scalp out, and tried to slick it back!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. How long does it take to wash your hair and put it back up in a ponytail?

Oh, and haircolor to match your outfit. That's so ghetto! Are you gonna wear blue all summer to match your braids? YUK!
brownhaired_bonanza said:
You see, that is my pet peeve right there. JUST MAKE IT MATCH!! TRY TO FOOL US, PLEASE!:whyme:

My gripe as well. On Sunday, I saw the dark, dark brown new growth trying to cover blonde straight, silky straw hair. Why oh Why?? :nono: :down:
CurliDiva said:
Ok, I like many ladies here wear weaves as our protective style of choice, but what is up with women wearing JACKED UP weaves?

Now color and style is total up to personal choice, but some basic grooming should be a part of any hairstyle.

Everyday during my daily commute I see so many weave horrors! :eek:

You name it, I have probably seen it. Just this morning, I saw:

Straight weave hair that has not been combed and is sticking up and out in the back like it has been slept on for weeks.

Tracks hanging (not just showing, but HANGING) loose and dangling on a shoulder.

Care to name anything you have seen recently, that gives WEAVES a bad rap?

Do you ride the metro? That is where be seeing some jacked up weaves too. And awful looking wigs....
Blackbird77 said:
I personally have a problem seeing unnatural weave colors. If you skin tone is too dark, you need to stay away from the blonde colors. You ain't fooling nobody! I know one girl that is very dark and burgundy weaves are her signature style. I don't think burgundy is a natural color no matter who wears it. Simply put, black women can wear these colors but if their skin tone doesn't go with the hair, they won't be taken seriously.

Blackbird, I understand what you are saying an in America it is uncommon to see a black person with natural light color hair. But the region my family is from you see them all the time and IT IS INDEED BEAUTIFUL!!! Should we dye our hair, because we are too dark to withhold the color standards of Americans? I personally do not like anything outrages on anyone light or dark. I know when I would visit Baltimore it was common to see women wth blue, green, purple or barbie blond weaves that were too 'done up'. At any rate weave doesn't have to look bad, the key is to have it as natural to your hair as possible including the style.