Ummm... I didn't know baby hurrs were that serious.

She didn't curse. I didn't have to hear a litany of f-bombs and b-bombs and everything else. So she gets ONE, just one, brownie point for that.

But hammercy!!! This was funny. Just when I think folks can't get any more trifling, I find out that folks are spray-painting in their hairline.
I looked at some of her other videos and she's actually not ratchet like I assumed from that one.

I was laughing that she was talking about the spray paint "you can't buy edges", etc, but then went on to recommend using (colored) mascara! :lol:
She is so REAL!! I didn't love the profanity but her overall message was on point.

I hate "reality" tv with a passion because i feel like they're trying to tell us that what is a reality for a small pocket of individuals can and should be a reality for everyone. Their lives aren't that awesome and if it was everyone's reality we'd be in a very very sad state