UltraNourishair made my eyelashes grow!!


Well-Known Member
I noticed it last night when I was getting dressed to go out. I was about to put my mascara on and I was like wait a minute!! Where'd those eyelashes come from? I never really had any before. (My brother and my dad got all the long pretty eyelashes and me and my mom got nothing lol) I always used lengthening mascara on them. But the ones on the top are definitely longer. There weren't any visible ones on the bottom but now there are. I figure it has to be the UltraNourishair because that's the only thing different in my regimen. I've been taking the GNC Hair Skin and Nails since the winter. I stopped taking the fingerprinted horsetail last time I ran out. Aww I'm so excited!! I have eyelashes now. LOL :yay:
Hey girl, Im glad that you said that because I was thinking about buying those vitamins because alot of the ladies here seem to use it. How long have you been taking them? By the way, your makeup looks good. I bet you use MAC, huh?
shunta said:
Hey girl, Im glad that you said that because I was thinking about buying those vitamins because alot of the ladies here seem to use it. How long have you been taking them? By the way, your makeup looks good. I bet you use MAC, huh?

Thanks! Yeah, I use MAC for the most part but those green and blue shadows are cheapie $2.49 Milani shadows I bought from Walgreens. They work just as good. :)

I had completely stopped taking my vits when I ran out a few months ago. I just started back taking them daily maybe 2 weeks ago. They also make my eyebrows grow back in like crazy but it's not as bad since I stopped taking the horsetail.
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I have been taking the Ultranourish for 2 months now. I have not noticed any change in my eyelashes but my eyebrows grow in really fast, which kinda sucks because I have to get them waxed more often.
oh boy.....i've always wanted longer eyelashes....

no, no, no.....NO more products......

*Must leave thread now*
I really like UltraNourish Hair. I've been taking it for about a year and it does make my eye brows grow in thicker and faster. It also makes my leg hair grow faster too.:look:
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jaded_faerie said:
you got me wanting to hop back on these vitamins...

they are just so big, after the 2nd day i cant take it :(

I know what you mean. I hate taking them (I hate taking pills.....period) plus they don't taste nice at all. But for the sake of my hair i will do it faithfully.
I have been taking these for the past couple of weeks. I have noticed a difference in my hair growth. I am one month post and have full coils of new growth. Normally, at this point I only have a wave.

I agree that they taste awful blech..What I do is I take it with my hot chocolate or cafe con leche (cuban coffee) in the morning. It totally hides the taste and makes it much easier to swallow.
I went to GNC and bought the Ultra Nourish today. The pills are really huge I'm kinda scared to swallow them..I hope I dont choke lol. I've been taking 1500 mcg of biotin since January and they really didn't do much for my hair only my nails. This seems to have many good ingredients so we'll see. I hope this vitamin will speed up my growth a lil bit because I want to be fully past shoulder length by the end of 2006.
Robin's hair vitamins made my eye lashes grow longer, but I haven't noticed a difference in my hair (except my hairline) or in my nails. :ohwell:
Preparing to go to the bathroom to check out my lashes! LOL!! Been taking this for nearly 2 months now and I need some LASHES! :)
For those taking these vitamins..have you experienced any itching? I've been taking them for about 2 weeks now and my head itches like crazy.
Hmm, maybe I need to pick up some of this UltraNourishair. My eyelashes can't hold a curl, and maybe they'll grow into a curl ::shrugs:: They're already long, but they just can't hold a curl.