Ultimate Vitamin Combo?


Well-Known Member
ok, what is the (or your) ULITIMATE hair vit/suppliment combo?

I mean a combo that give the maximum benifits (ie... aids growth, promotes strength, health and thickness... and any other positive thingy you can think of), without taking 100+ vits a day!!!

so far... i'm thinking biotin, bamboo silica, flaxseed oil, and sea kelp....

what else....?????

edit... oh, and MSM
Well I dunno about the ultimate vitamin combo but here is my current daily vit reggie:
Biotin- hair, skin , nails and metabolism(supposedly :) )

Ultimate 10 probiotics- Digestion and intestinal tract

Apple Cider Vinegar Pills- for alkanizing properties in the body

Garlic- For anti-viral & pro healthy organ properties

Royal Jelly- Supposedly the ultimate in nutrition covering all bases

I feel pretty good, cant say its 100% the vitamins but I'm content.
Well I dunno about the ultimate vitamin combo but here is my current daily vit reggie:
Biotin- hair, skin , nails and metabolism(supposedly :) )

Ultimate 10 probiotics- Digestion and intestinal tract

Apple Cider Vinegar Pills- for alkanizing properties in the body

Garlic- For anti-viral & pro healthy organ properties

Royal Jelly- Supposedly the ultimate in nutrition covering all bases

I feel pretty good, cant say its 100% the vitamins but I'm content.

wow, i didn't know there were apple cider vinegar pills!!! I've just been using the stuff for rinses or with conditioner. learn something new everyday...

divine, thanks for the heads up on gymfreaks vit. thread. i didn't search before i post because the search function is acting kinda funky with me at the moment... but maybe i'll look for it manually and bump it up.