UK Members! Water Quality...


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be permanenlty relocating to the UK over this summer and I was curious about the water quality over there. I'll be living in the northern part of England (in Yorkshire) and I remember that I was able to drink tap water unlike where I live now (in MD). The water here is gross in my opinion, it's just full of chlorine and it's very hard. In all of my years here, we've always had to use a filter on our taps and showerheads so I was wondering if I'd have to do the same there. Do many of you have to use them because of hard water? I just want to know what to prepare myself for when I first arrive!! Thank you!
Sorry, I don't have a response.........but Congrats on your move! That sounds wonderful
it depends on the area in england, but i have found that most places apart from london has nice water. i hate the water in london. Its really hard. when i go to manchester or birmigham the water is much softer.

so i think you will be fine
Thanks ladies! At least that's one less thing to worry about with this move. It's very exciting though and I really love it England. Anyway, I've been trying to prep my hair as much as possible before I see the in-law

ChocalateCutee, I just noticed your flags - my family is from Barbados too! Actually, I have relatives that live in London as well.
Well I hope you like it here. I don't know much about Yorkshire, just that its in the Country Side.

well, when you come down you can come to one of our london gatherings
Yep I agree with chocolate cutee the water in London is hard but elsewhere in the uk it's nice. All the best for the future and hope to meet one day.