UK ladies...Where are you getting your SAA? US folk can chime in on forms of SAA


Well-Known Member
Ive spent hours searching for SAA in the UK! Ive found two websites. One dude only sells Sea Silk Amino acids as opposed to the ones made from silk worms because the worms are gassed to death to make the animal form. The other Person only Sells the powder version. I really wanted to try the liquid first because Ive not really heard anything about that form on here.

So UK ladies...where do you get your SAA from?

US folk :) whats the difference between the powder and the liquid form please?

Oh and is Sea Silk any good?

Thanks :)
Hi Arabella

I had to break down and order the liquid form from LotionCrafters after reading all the great reviews! I think it was worth the money so far because I can use it to "soup up" any product I already have. I've just used it this evening to protect my hair pre-relaxer so I'll see how that turns out

I looked everywhere like you for a supplier here and I'm sure it's out there somewhere :yep:

I feel a bit bad about how they get the silk, but as I eat meat I don't know why?

Thanks girls! I was tempted to try lotion crafters but I cant deal with the shipping. Thanks mimi, looks like i'll be ordering from that website...I saw it earlier and thought about ordering but I was kinda mad at the postage :rolleyes: so I thought Id ask on here

once again...thanks folks! xxx
heey, I just mix mine without measurin. It depends on what Im using it for. For example, I mixed one table spoon of saa powder and half a glass of water to my glycerin aloe mix. I got good results. I added the same amount to my shea butter/coconut oil moisturiser too. HTH x :)