UK Ladies - Babyliss Pro 230 half price!!


Hey ladies,

I've just seen an advert for the Babyliss Pro 230 half price at Argos till tomorrow. This is the UK version of the Conair ionic steam straightener another lady posted about a little while ago. I've been waiting for this product to drop in price so I'm really happy about that but it's not on half price for long, the offer ends tomorrow.>

I figured there may be some ladies who were looking to get this product for themselves or someone else for a present but were maybe reluctant because of the price (as was I) so just wanted to give you all a heads-up

OK, see this is what i hate, i purchased this at full price. its good but i could have gotten a bargain. oh well. it works well for me, although i haven't used a high enough setting as i'm scared of heat damage it might do to my hair. my sister used it and her hair was really straight afterwards. so i would it while its half price. :yep:
Bumping just in case some ladies were asleep when I posted this last night...

Growinmyhair - I'm sorry you weren't able to get a bargain but I'm glad you and your sister like the product. Your review has convinced me this is definitely the one to get.
I've been looking at getting this one for months and have been saving my pennies but was also hoping to get it on sale so I'm pysched!

I just broke down and bought it anyway it's supposed to come with a free brush set but it was out stock apparently I can get it when it comes back in stock
Thanks for the heads up.
Ladies, which would you say is better a GHD or a Babyliss pro 230????
Dont know if I can justify getting both.....
Also, have any of you thought that the price may drop further in the new year.
Hey ladies,

I bought this at the reduced price, used it and it seems good except the steam part of it. Can any of you ladies who have used this give advice on the steam element as the one I have seems to rattle. I took it back to Argos to swap for another one but that does the same thing so I'm wondering if it's supposed to do that. Also, will it only steam if it's on a really high heat like 200 or above? The booklet doesn't state this.

Thinbreaks UK: I was also supposed to get a free brush kit which was out of stock

My steam thingy rattles too but I thought that was normal there is some sort of stick or something in there I thought it had something to do with letting you know when the water level is low