Uhhhhhhhh I thought lacefronts were easy????


New Member
I have been interested in lacefronts for a while, WHILE searching online for info on them(they don't sell/have any info AT any of the BSS here!!!) I came upon this http://www.customsheitel.com/wigmaking.html!! They are charging 3k to attend a lacefront class(they come to different cities)!!! AND if you want a private lesson (can't attend becuase they don't come to your city or something) the prices are as FOLLOWS:

  • <LI class=list2red>$8,500 for one person <LI class=list2red>$5,500 each for two
  • $4,800 each for three
Ok.....................so if they are so easy WTH are they charging so much??
Yes, It's a class to show you how to do lacefronts......it even says "THERE IS A POSSIBLITY FOR A SECOND LESSON IF YOU AREN"T CONFIDENT AFTER THE FIRST ONE" (key word possibility!!)
Okay...now I am ur har twin and you didn't ask me:perplexed

Girl i can tell u it all...but if you really want to know about lf than go to
www.forum.blackhaircare.com and they have a whole forum on lacefronts and wear to get them cheaper and how to apply them and all types of stuff, so if you have any other questins just pm me:)
Why would you want to make them unless you want to sell them or something otherwise you can buy one off Ebay for $300 or less. I would try that before taking a class.

They are easy once you learn how to attach them. Getting the attachment to look natural is the most difficult part.
When you're teaching something that folk want to learn, you can charge what you want. Supply and demand, baby!

And like it was said, if you don't plan to make/sell them, it's unnecessary to take the class.

Plus, the unique selling point of the lacefront is because they're custom-made and specially designed. I saw a segment on Patti LaBelle's show when they showed how they were made. It was quite intricate.

I ain't even mad at them for charging that. People pay what they want to pay for.... We just need to stop buying what we want and begging for what we need.
There's a thread on BHM on how to make your own lacewig. It is a long and tedious process. I want to make learn how to make one eventually. Right now I just don't have the time to learn how to make one.I have read so many horror stories on another forum about people paying upwards of $200 and not getting what they ordered.
The best site by far for lf info is: blackhairmedia.com, go to the lacefront forums. I'm also in the process of buying my first lf. You can PM me for more info.

Lacefronts are far from easy. I've had one since July and still haven't been able to wear it cuz I can't apply it right. Although I've been on BHM plenty of times I still cant get it right and am beginning to hate my unit and think it is a waste of money. My new years resolution was that i was gonna wear it b4 April. Im just giving up and going to a salon to get it applied.
By easy, I meant, that It shouldn't take 3k for someone to show me how to do it...I guess unless you're going to sell them like someone said earlier.........where'd you purchase yours from?? Id go to a salon to get it applied but i don't know of any that do!!