UH OH I am getting scissor happy


New Member
I justtttt cut my own bangs and long layers last week after growing them out for two years.

I just cut shorter bangs and 3 sets of new layers tonight :grin:

I don't know what it is, but I like cutting my hair. I get the same feeling almost as I do when getting a new piercing lol.


Hi CSF!:hiya2: Sooo...Ok.......What were your Final Results from Your Cut? How many inches did you take off?:look:

That Looked like alot of Hair.

Are you Pleased with your Results? Did you end up BC'ing?:blush:
No don't cut anymore. I wonder if that is what happens to hair stylist when they get scissor happy. They just keep cutting and cutting and cutting.
Wow you are courageous lol. I was thinking about getting bangs but I for sure won't be doing them myself.:lachen:

So what do they look like now?