Uh-oh Help!


So what happens when your precious, natural curls end up looking like you just relaxed to bone straight perfection. This is for my sister who flat ironed her hair this past week and after washing can't get a single curl to come back.
Does it take time? Is there something she can use to fix this? Is she doomed to curl damage permanance?
:: She did use a heat protectant
:: Our flat iron is known to get a lil too hot.

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Her whole head of hair has been affected or just a section?
If it doesn't revert back after a few washes and protien treatments, it never will.
If she really does have heat damage to that extent she has two options - cut it all off or just baby her hair and wait for it to grow out (kind of like transitioning from a relaxer)

I have almost straight hair at the front and there is nothing i can do about it but grow it out. I just braid it whilst damp and when dry it blends pretty well with the rest of my hair.
Yeah, at first it was just in one section, but she flat ironed again and now its all over. What type of protein treatments?

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Sometimes DCs and protein treatments can help restore some of the curl, but if her hair is bone straight then I doubt it will completely revert :(
That happened to me once. It took about 3 months before my hair started reverting. I tried protein treatments, deep conditioning, everything I could read for advice. It never fully reverted and then I started noticing breakage, so I ended up cutting it all off (not the current pic).