Ughhhh Breakage in the CROWN AREA!


Well-Known Member
I am so upset right now! I admit, I dont pay to much attention to the middle of my hair. Mostly I check out the length and smoothness. Anyway, after I got done cleansing my hair, detangling and using my moisturizing DC, I noticed breakage.

I mean, serious breakage. Like the length of some of the hairs were like 2inches long :nono:

I just realized maybe a month ago, that I maybe having some protein overload. I've been using moisturizing DC's every since then like clockwork. I really hope my hair bounces back from this.

I am so mad at myself for letting something this serious go unnoticed for so long..:sad:
Baby that area and make sure you pay special attention to it by putting extra product on that area, keeping it well moisturize and low/no manipulation. You'll have to step up your game in that area.:yep:

For me, that's the area I always suffer with. Mine always itches like crazy, before it breaks tho'. So, I am always ever so mindful of that area.:perplexed Always. I know it's my trouble spot.

((HUGS)) Hope it gets back on track soon.:yep:
Same thing happened to me this month. Mine is about a two inch area in the crown that is about 1-2 inches shorter than the rest. It almost looks like it was cut with scissors. But at least I know the culprit..... the decorative barrette I've been using for bunning. Not the band but the barrette I stick through my hair after I bun.

Hopefully you'll figure yours out too. Sounds like you're on track if you think it could be protein overload.

Good luck!
Thanks. Yeah..My PS of choice for majority of this year has been box braids. They are small/med in size (pencil width - larger) and I leave them in no longer than 2 weeks at a time.

I keep up with my moisturizing/sealing and even do scalp massages when the mood strikes me (though I need to start back more regularly)

I started feeling like I had protein overload because when undoing my braids, I'd noticed broken curly ques all over my arms and shoulders. I started using Silk Elements DC and sometimes AOHSR and it really has helped my hair for the better.

Just today while unbraiding my hair, I only noticed like 3 broken curlies instead of the hundreds I was seeing before. So yeah, I think I'm on the right track. I just cant believe all this was going on in my crown area and I had no idea.
I'm sorry to hear about your breakage issues! I didn't realize other people had problems with their crown. That's my trouble spot too!

Glad you've pinpointed your problem and are working toward fixing it!
That's my problem area also. LIke IDareT said, just baby that area and keep moisturized. Thats helped my crown area alot.
Thats my trouble area too and exactly with some strands being 2 inches it bothers me but I think mine was from me scratching and scrubbing like crazy a few years ago and it's just getting back in shape. I gotta pick up some more AOHSR tomorrow
Just got done talking with my aunt on NP. She reminded me that both our hair is very thin/fine in the middle. So yeah, I'm going to have to remember to be extra gentle with that area of my head. It basically has no curl pattern. It's straight, like if someone lightly blow-dried it..*le sigh*

Anywho, I forgot to mention that on top of using the moisturizing DC's for the past month, the past 2 weeks I've also been using WGO (wheat germ oil) on my hair as well. I think that right there has been what really put the breakage in it's tracks.
I had the exact same problem like 2 months ago. Like everyone says, 'baby'ing that area certainly helped and finally it's growing out. What really helped is using castor oil on my crown. Don' be afraid to liberally apply your moisturizer and castor oil. Good luck!
I had the exact same problem like 2 months ago. Like everyone says, 'baby'ing that area certainly helped and finally it's growing out. What really helped is using castor oil on my crown. Don' be afraid to liberally apply your moisturizer and castor oil. Good luck!

Thanks sweetie! I think i'm gonna go back to 'greasing' my scalp with EVCO. I will add some castor oil too it as well. I still haven't jumped on the JBCO wagon yet...should I?

I also think, I'm going to give up my beloved headbands. I think that may be a culprit in this as well...Maybe it is, maybe not..but I'm going to push them to the back of my hair cabinet and see how my hair treats me until the end of the year without them.
i'm so sad this has happened Nasdaq_Diva, but it's a really good thing that you're already getting back on track!

yes, i can testify that joining in on the jbco can do you nothing but good.

you might even try "to grease" you scalp with that because many have claimed it to be a thickener and a growth aid.

then there are the ceramides, and it's great that you are already using them.
there is a full list of products (oils, dc's) you can find on the Ceramides Challenge.

when i had my protein overload a couple of weeks ago, i dc'ed overnight on dry hair every single night for about 3-4 nights to get my hair back to being soft.

i used heavy duty dc's like AO HSR, AO IN, and AO WC in different nights, but always mixed them with:
glycerine (which gave me incredible slip), jbco, evoo, vitamin E oil and yes, even banana baby food.

i went through my hair in tiny sections and left no hair uncovered in this concoction then wrapped it up in plastic caps and scarves to let my natural body heat help it to penetrate.

during the day, i would wash that out and only finger detangle and use leave ins.
(Giovanni Direct with jbco, aloe vera juice and evoo added.)

i don't know if the braids you were wearing are considered low manipulation or not, but please remember to baby that area separately giving it the attention it needs.

good luck and i wish you a swift crown recovery!
I am having the same problem in a spot in my crown, my ends are way thinner than my roots and it is always very tangley/dry in that section.

Its so funny because when I was relaxed this section was always strong and thick no matter what and the back section would break off if you looked at it funny. Now it has reversed and I've noticed my crown is more shrinking 4bish and the back is a looser texture 4something.

I think my hair all over is lacking protein and I may have a slight porosity issue causing tangling. So I have been using Roux and up'ing my protein dc's. Gonna see how my hair responds.
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I always apply conditioners or moisturizers to the crown first since the texture is drier and rougher then the rest of my hair. I noticed that the crown has always been my problem spot whether relaxed or natural. Right now the crown has slight breakage but is still long like the rest of my hair (I believe the breakage is from how I part and braid my hair)
Nasdaq_Diva, continue deep conditioning and reduce the stress of the crown area and your hair should bounce back.
Sorry to hear about your breakage. This is my weak spot as well. Not only is it more prone to breakage it's super dry. Cosigning with what the others have said about babying that area. Also adding extra moisture, soaking that area in cond., Castor oil, and CHI keratin mist before detangling has helped tremendously. HTH.
That is my Achilles heel too!I have been trying to bun my natural hair but my crown is so much shorter than the rest of my hair.I just want it to catch up to the rest of my hair(damn so frustrating).I wasn't aware this was somewhat of a common problem. :<
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Girl I feel ya, the exact same thing happened to me. My crown is always drier than the rest of my head and its usually the only area that itches. I just try to slather on more conditioner and moisturizer in than area but it can be frustrating.
Not only is my crown thinner and shorter but even if its the first place I apply my relaxer it still doesn't get as straight as the rest of my hair. I've started moisturizing it HEAVILY and sealing with Jbco and I already seeing improvement.
Nasdaq_Diva -- JBCO help to thicken my edges where they had thinned from many years of wrapping my hair. I apply it 2-3x weekly, give or take...but always on poo day. Perhaps the mixture of oils Nonie used would help?? I think Nonie applied it to bald spots but I wonder if this would help grow any length of hair be it bald, thin or short? Here's the thread --

Thanks for that thread. I'm going to read more later. For now, I have been massaging my castor/ayurveda oil infusion 2-3x a week. I'm hoping it helps some.