Ugh! How do you get all this Vaseline out of your hair?

OK, my PSOC (protective style of choice :) ) as of late has been the instant weave, with the back of my hair plaited and in baggies. OK, so I would apply oils, moisturizer to my ends and wrap in baggies. The day before my wash, I decided to slather on a generous amount of vaseline and then baggie. Well, I wanted to cowash last night but there was so much gunky Vaseline that I had to use CON, and honestly I didn't get all of it out but said forget it since it was being baggied again anyway. So, how are you getting the Vaseline out especially when cowashing, without overwashing your hair?
You're going to have to actually wash your hair. You have way too much oily stuff to get out with a CO wash or with CON.
It's okay, shampoo isn't going to strip your hair this one time.:)
I shampoo mine every day!:D
Yeah I have to agree. Vasaline is a very thick grease and it needs to be cut to get rid of it. My godson got into some once and put almost the whole jar in his head. Even shampoo didnt get it out. We have to get some dishwashing liquid that 'cuts grease' to get it all out. I dont think this one time shampoo will hurt.
ITA with the other ladies. You need to clarify or use your reg. poo with sulfate(s). I CW and use CON too but I still clarify once a month so the greasies and condish dont build up. hth.:)