Ugghhhh!!! I can't get this crap outta my hair!!


New Member
Okay, I have been having this problem for awhile, but I have been to scared and ashamed to make a thread for help, cuz I know ya'll gonna be like "I told you so!!!" :lachen:

Remember the threads I made about Vaseline??? Coating the ends of hair in Vaseline, and bunning?? Well see, IT DOES WORK!! My hair was sooo moist and soft the whole time. BUT, I don't wanna have to wear a bun everyday of my life. So a week and a half ago, I decided to wear my hair out curly; I prepoo'd, washed with shakakai tea rinse, then started styling my hair; as I styled, I KNEW something wasn't right. My curls were not clumping the way they normally do. Once my hair dried, I couldnt even wear it down...I ended up putting it in a cute side pony, with all the HEAVY curls out. So then a couple days later I did it all over again....I was able to wear my hair out, but something STILL wasn't right. The last time I washed (3 days ago), I used baking soada first THEN a tea rinse; my hair still feels funny. At tthis point, I refuse to do all that work for my hair to look blah. I am frustrated. I'm thinking about getting reg dishwashing soap (the kinda that ghetto hairstylists uses to get gunk outta hair) to get this crap outta my hair.

You know when you do your hair in the same style, and your "used" to ceratin things?? Well my hair is not doing what I'm used to and I KNOW I have this gunk still in my ends!! So before I do something that could be really bad, such as use dishwashing soap, I decided to come in, tail between my legs and ask the Vets here for help! :look:
Hmmmmm,try vinegar. I know I'm not much help, but don't feel bad. We all have to learn somehow and you've just taken one for the team. We ALL learned something from this.
Supposedly Suave Clarifiying can get ANYTHING out that's not a chemical treatment. I know I had to use it once when I tried to make my own curly pudding. Just make sure you use a good Deep Conditioner afterwards.
I don't even have poo, so that's why I was leaning towards the dishwashing soap...:wallbash:

Woe is me.... :rolleyes:
Have you tried clarifying with shampoo? Or do you not use shampoo?

What helps me is lathering up really well, then letting the shampoo sit and work at breaking the gunk down.

Similar to when you let the neutralizing shampoo work for a while.
I don't even have poo, so that's why I was leaning towards the dishwashing soap...:wallbash:

Woe is me.... :rolleyes:

Dishwashing liquid would actually do the trick, but I think it's actually more harsh than clarifying shampoo... and it probably isn't the right pH for hair.
Yeah I haven't use poo for months!!! My hair has thrived since. I may have to just use some though. I believe I have some ORS Neutralizing poo...but I don't know if I could use that, since I didn't relax my hair. Could I??

Have you tried clarifying with shampoo? Or do you not use shampoo?

What helps me is lathering up really well, then letting the shampoo sit and work at breaking the gunk down.

Similar to when you let the neutralizing shampoo work for a while.
Hmmmmm,try vinegar. I know I'm not much help, but don't feel bad. We all have to learn somehow and you've just taken one for the team. We ALL learned something from this.

A clarifying poo should do the trick if it doesn't vinegar will do it.
The ORS is a good shampoo even for natural hair :yep: It's clarifying and chelating, but less drying than most shampoos.
If you don't want to buy shampoo, you could try using the dishwashing soap that you have, BUT dilute it with water first. Then follow with a moisturizing DC.
It would be healthier to use baking soda or vinegar. But if you don't think that will work use the ORS neutralizing shampoo instead of dishwashing liquid. At least that ORS won't damage your hair if you use a deep conditioner afterwards. Also rinse with medium warm water and then cold water, that should help wash everything out. Your hair is probably covered in vas-build up. Nothing to do about that except strip the hair and deep condition. Your have great hair already! :yep:
I told ya so :lol: ok seriously :lachen: Thank goodness I put my hair in plaits I was going to try that vaseline on the ends thing cause o' you! Try a clarifying shampoo...
Hey Lana girl!!! :grin: Girl I have tried the baking soda and it's doing nada!! I really don't want to use the poo because I know it's gonna dry out my hair and tangle it, but I made my own bed... :rolleyes: I'm also gonna try cold water...I would have never thought of that...oh and thanks for the compliment!! :grin: You hair is purty as well....I'm still hatin on the thickness! :yep:

It would be healthier to use baking soda or vinegar. But if you don't think that will work use the ORS neutralizing shampoo instead of dishwashing liquid. At least that ORS won't damage your hair if you use a deep conditioner afterwards. Also rinse with medium warm water and then cold water, that should help wash everything out. Your hair is probably covered in vas-build up. Nothing to do about that except strip the hair and deep condition. Your have great hair already! :yep:
I told ya so :lol: ok seriously :lachen: Thank goodness I put my hair in plaits I was going to try that vaseline on the ends thing cause o' you! Try a clarifying shampoo...

:lachen: Imma kill you!! Grrrr!!!! :lachen:

Ohhh you were!??? Well it DOES WORK!! I just don't use poo, so thats why it's bad for me...the person who started the craze never had problems and she uses I guess as long as you poo, you should be fine!
:lachen::lachen: I was just about to suggest Dawn too before I READ all the way through, girl do it, it works and you know this already I see:yep:
Okay, I have been having this problem for awhile, but I have been to scared and ashamed to make a thread for help, cuz I know ya'll gonna be like "I told you so!!!" :lachen:

Remember the threads I made about Vaseline??? Coating the ends of hair in Vaseline, and bunning?? Well see, IT DOES WORK!! My hair was sooo moist and soft the whole time. BUT, I don't wanna have to wear a bun everyday of my life. So a week and a half ago, I decided to wear my hair out curly; I prepoo'd, washed with shakakai tea rinse, then started styling my hair; as I styled, I KNEW something wasn't right. My curls were not clumping the way they normally do. Once my hair dried, I couldnt even wear it down...I ended up putting it in a cute side pony, with all the HEAVY curls out. So then a couple days later I did it all over again....I was able to wear my hair out, but something STILL wasn't right. The last time I washed (3 days ago), I used baking soada first THEN a tea rinse; my hair still feels funny. At tthis point, I refuse to do all that work for my hair to look blah. I am frustrated. I'm thinking about getting reg dishwashing soap (the kinda that ghetto hairstylists uses to get gunk outta hair) to get this crap outta my hair.

You know when you do your hair in the same style, and your "used" to ceratin things?? Well my hair is not doing what I'm used to and I KNOW I have this gunk still in my ends!! So before I do something that could be really bad, such as use dishwashing soap, I decided to come in, tail between my legs and ask the Vets here for help! :look:
I don't even have poo, so that's why I was leaning towards the dishwashing soap...:wallbash:

Woe is me.... :rolleyes:
girl I swear Dawn will get that grease out and wont hurt your hair just condition it really good after, honestly I have clarified and my hair felt drier than when my 'ghetto stylist' used to pull out the dawn on me, he did it many times , I was heavy on the grease, it will be fine

dont nothin 'cut' that grease like dawn
Try KiyaFizzle....salt in your conditioner...kick it up a notch by adding baking soda and lemon juice to the mix...that should get that gunk outta your hair.
It did the same thing to me! Luckily I had only done it for a couple of weeks; I say clarify. It left my bathtub SO nasty and grimey though ..