
Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share...
I'm not sure if some of you are familiar with DRBrooklyn730 from youtube. Anyway a while ago she did a video on her haircare regimen and mentioned UANS CREMA PlUS: Since then i've been itching to try it. Apparently the president of UANS INTERNATIONAL has since then contacted her to extend a 20% discount to the first 100 viewers who make a purchase of atleast $50 from his site. I didn't take advantage of the discount but i did purchase 2 (4oz.) for $20 each. Shipping and handling is $9. Sorry i have not idea what the ingredients are but i'm guessing from the slip she describes it probably does contains cones.
that's great marketing -- cause as soon as i read the title of this thread i thought about her video. i won't be buying (i've curbed the PJism) but this is a step in a great direction for her!
I saw her vid and it sounded interesting. To be honest, after being on this board for so many years I know of so many products that are supposed to be great. I can add this one to the list. I someone uses it and likes it then great, my I already have so many products..
I saw this product at the salon I go to to get my relaxers but thought nothing of it. After watching the youtube vid I'm dying to know the ingredients. I might purchase it at my next salon visit.
i bout the uans creama and the creama plus because of her video i saw a while ago. it does seem much like a reconstructor to me but eh. its ok. i take it with me when i go to the domincans but i wouldnt repurches.
I've been meaning to try this since I saw it on DBrooklyn's video. If anybody tries it, let us know how it worked out for you.
I've tried it and it's good. I like it alot. The Revita setting lotion is good also. I'm allergic to alot of different chemicals but I haven't had an adverse reaction to any of the Uans products thus far.
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