Type of water?


Well-Known Member
Does it make a big difference if you use distilled water rather than tap water when making your own sprays? It's proving trickier than I thought to get hold of and I'm impatient to use my new ingredients :grin: will wait if it's worth it though!
I experimented with homemade spritzes using tap water and even spring water but they would not leave my hair moisturized for very long. I used to use kemi oyl conditioning spray back in the day and my hair absolutely loved it but it was discontinued. Don't know why it took my so long to come to this realization but something told me to look at the ingredients to see what was in it that worked so well for my hair. I noticed distilled water was the first ingredient. I bought distilled water and put it in a spray bottle then sealed and things have been looking up since. My plant would yellow and wilt a lot so I started using distilled for it too and now it's behaving. So yes, for me personally it made a huge difference but I have hard water so someone else's tap water may be of better quality. HTH
You can usually get distilled or spring water at the grocery store for less than a buck a gallon.

Anyway, I'd use that unless you have a water filter on your faucet at home.
Thank you! :) I could only find deionised rather than distilled in the shops around here - guess I'll give that a go first!
It really does make a difference. I switched to using distilled water and I noticed that my hair holds moisture longer.

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You will want to use distilled water. It is considered "pure" water unlike tap water which contains a number of trace minerals and other impurities which can cause your product mix to go bad over time.

If you read some of the older threads, you will find it's a key reason why homemade mixes went bad or grew mold.