Type and Amount of Ingestible Protein for Hair Growth?


God's Own
Several posters have posted (in various threads) the types of ingestible (taken my mouth) protein they consume for hair growth,

We can all post in this thread the types, amounts and frequency of protein we take for hair growth. Understanding that protein is known to promote hair growth, some may have began taking a certain type of protein for a reason other than hair growth (ie. exercise, general health). If so, please post those products as well.

There are countless numbers of threads and posts on externally applied protein treatments (conditioners, mix, shampoos, etc.) PLEASE DO NOT POST EXTERNALLY APPLIED PROTEIN PRODUCTS IN THIS THREAD.
Posts should only be for products you consume orally.

Thought I would maintain a list of the products/foods mentioned in posts:


  • Chlorella
  • Spirulina
  • Moringa Oleifera
  • NeoCell Super Collagen
  • Tempeh
  • Setian
  • Boost Protein Shakes
  • Ensure Protein Shakes
  • Whey Protein Shakes
  • Fish
  • Meiji Collagen (Japanese)
  • Six Star Protein Mix
  • Chia Seeds
  • Proto-Col Collagen
  • Youtheory Collagen


P = Protein; F = Fat; C = Calories
  • 4 oz. Chicken (P= 35.1g; F = 5.1g; C = 196)
  • 1 oz. Turkey Breast (P = 6g; F = 2g; C = 25)
  • 4 oz. Lean Sirloin (Broiled) Beef (P = 34.4g; F = 9.1g; C = 229)
  • 4 oz. Fresh Salmon (Baked, Broiled) (P = 27.5g; F = 8.2g; C = 192)
  • 4 oz. Tuna (Bluefin Fresh; Baked, Broiled (P = 26g; F = 1g; C = 120)
  • 4 oz. Tuna (Canned in water) (P = 26g; F = 1g; C = 120)
  • 8 oz. Milk, Fat Free (P = 8.4g F = 0.4g; C = 86)
  • 1/2c Black Beans (canned) (P = 7g; F = 0g; C = 80)
  • 1 Patty Boca Burger, Vegan (P = 18g; F = 5g; C = 74)
  • 1 Lge. Egg, White Only (P = 3.5g; F = 0g; C = 17)
  • 2 Tbsp. Peanut Butter (Creamy) (P = 7.9g; F = 16g; C = 188)
  • 1/2c Soybeans, green – drained, boiled (P = 11.1g F = 5.8g ; C = 127)
  • 1/2c Tofu, raw (P = 19.9g; F = 11g; C = 183)
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I take 21 grams of Spirulina, 21 grams of Chlorella and 5 grams of Moringa Oleifera daily. The higher dosages are required for my joints to be pain free.

Chlorella's content is 60% protein.
Spirulina's content is 70% protein.

I do feel a significant increase in energy from taking these supplements.

I started taking these supplements to help me after I became ill in December. Shortly, after I started taking the supplements I stopped having difficulty with my joints. As a result I researched the supplements and discovered they also promote hair growth.
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There are protein products you can buy from the grocery store. They taste awful in my opinion but I have seen lots of people drink them when they are working out and for hair and body health. Boost high protein shakes, Ensure protein shakes, whey protein shakes and a host of others.
For several months I was drinking protein shakes daily (~36 grams) plus eating two pieces of plain fish (~30-40 grams) daily.

My hair went from CBL to APL in 3 months. EDIT: That's fast as hell for me. My hair has never grown that quickly.

I fell off the diet because some of my new growth turned brittle. I'm thinking I was on a crash diet and didn't realize it. If I do it again, I'll probably cut down on the amount of fish I eat per week and only include fatty fish this time.

I should also mention that during this time my hair felt overall MUCH more manageable.
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Hopefully, others will chime in. I know some users have mixed and taken an egg drink as a protein drink. I am sure there are other examples, hopefully others will share.
Neocell Super Collagen. One scoop (6.6g), blended with juice, daily. It also comes in capsules. I've been taking it for about 3 months but I'm a bit inconsistent coz I keep forgetting.
@Osha - thank you for posting and your hair is beautiful. I just googled Neocell Super Collagen

Pure & Natural
Ligaments and Tendons
Total Body Health
Radiant Skin • Thicker Hair • Stronger Nails • Healthier Joints
Collagen is a complex structural protein that maintains strength and flexibility throughout the body. Super Collagen+C™ is made up of the collagen peptides Type 1&3 which support collagen in skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones

Sounds like one to try!!!
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Tempeh and saitan have lots of protein.

iluvmario Thank you for the post.

- I found tempeh (Tempeh, is a traditional soy product that is originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty. )
but not saitan. Could it be seitan? (Wheat gluten, also called seitan, wheat meat, mock duck, gluten meat, or simply gluten, is a food made from gluten, the main protein of wheat. )
Very good article (by USN reporter Angela Haupt) which shows the impact of certain foods/diet on hair.

10 Best Foods for Your Hair
Load up on protein, bananas, and dark green veggies—your locks will thank you

Move that shampoo and conditioner aside. The pursuit of luscious, shiny locks starts with fish, beans, bananas, and lentils. Indeed, a healthy diet is as good for the 150,000 hair follicles on your head as it is for your body. "Having a balanced diet, while putting a little extra emphasis on things like protein and iron, gives your hair a boost," says Neil Sadick, a clinical professor in the department of dermatology at the Weill Cornell Medical College.
Protein, for example, is the building block of hair. If you don't get enough, your mane will grow more slowly, and strands will be weaker. "Pump up the protein," says registered dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner, author of The Flexitarian Diet. "Include a small dose at each meal and with each snack, and you'll keep your hair follicles strong." Safe bets include poultry, lean beef, fish, beans, and nuts.
If you start a hair-healthy diet today, you'll likely see improvements within six months to a year, depending on how fast your hair grows.
Try these 10 foods for your tresses:
Lean red meat. Too little iron can cause baldness, according to research conducted at the Cleveland Clinic. Treating iron deficiency may help regrow hair. "People who have problems with hair loss or hair growth tend to be iron deficient—especially women," says dermatologist Paradi Mirmirani, who practices in Vallejo, Calif. Other iron-rich options include turkey, egg yolks, whole grains, dried fruit, and dried beans (soaked and cooked, of course).
Eggs. They're full of biotin, a B vitamin that promotes hair growth and overall scalp health. A deficiency can cause brittle hair. Other high-biotin foods include peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, salmon, low-fat cheese, and avocados.
Bananas, beer, oats, and raisins. These contain the mineral silica, which is thought to improve hair thickness, Jackson Blatner says. Emphasizing foods rich this mineral helps make hair stronger and more durable. (Though beer contains a good dose of silica, it's wise to stick to a moderate amount—one drink a day for women and two for men.)
Dark green veggies. Load up on spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard. They're packed with vitamins A and C, which help produce sebum—a scalp oil that works as a natural hair conditioner.
Oysters. Opt for these to get plenty of zinc, a mineral that helps regulate the production of androgens. These are hormones that, in low levels, are associated with hair loss. People with low levels of androgens can also suffer from slow hair growth and dandruff. Adjusting your diet—and emphasizing zinc-rich choices like oysters, along with crab, clams, liver, lean beef, and wheat germ—will help stave off hair loss and keep your mane shiny and healthy.
Sweet potatoes. These are packed with beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, a nourishing agent for your hair and skin. Vitamin A protects against dull hair and dry skin, a leading cause of dandruff. Other smart choices to get glowing hair and skin include carrots, kale, butternut squash, asparagus, and pumpkin.
Beans. Legumes like kidney beans and lentils are great sources of iron-rich protein. Lentils, in particular, play a role in hair maintenance and support.
Fruits and veggies. They're full of vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron. Getting too little C makes hair dry and weak. The best sources? Broccoli, leafy greens, green peppers, citrus fruit, and strawberries.
Omega-3 fatty acids. They support scalp health; a deficiency can lead to dry scalp and dull hair. Good sources include salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, flaxseeds, and walnuts.
Vegetable oil. No one wants dry, lackluster hair. But if your diet is too low in fat, that's what could happen. Healthy oils like olive, peanut, safflower, and sunflower can restore the shine. About a teaspoon a day will do the trick.
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Any kind of protein powder would probably suffice, there's a ton... whey, whey isolate, hydrolyzed, casein, soy, plant, beef, egg. In general their differences are related to how fast/slow they are metabolized to optimize a workout, but otherwise I don't think it matters much. They'll all benefit overall health.
Several posters have posted (in various threads) the types of ingestible (taken my mouth) protein they consume for hair growth,

We can all post in this thread the types, amounts and frequency of protein we take for hair growth. Understanding that protein is known to promote hair growth, some may have began taking a certain type of protein for a reason other than hair growth (ie. exercise, general health). If so, please post those products as well.

There are countless numbers of threads and posts on externally applied protein treatments (conditioners, mix, shampoos, etc.) PLEASE DO NOT POST EXTERNALLY APPLIED PROTEIN PRODUCTS IN THIS THREAD.
Posts should only be for products you consume orally.

I think we may be exposed to some very good products we may not known otherwise.

I wanted to add extra protein to my regime, at least 15g of protein and while at local Walmart, I found a brand by SixStar. I mix it all together with green powder, msm, brewers yeast, etc. It's a bit chalky, but I just add around 14oz of water instead of 10oz. It tastes very good.
I take neocell collagen and switch up with Meiji collagen a Japanese brand. Asian cultures swear by this for skin health, as a fountain of youth. I have experienced great skin and thicker hair, the neocell brand states it will thicken your hair which is why I purchased it. I am also a spirulina and chlorella user which is plant based protein...
I take Neocell Collagen tablets as well. I purchased a big bottle from Costco. If I remember correctly, Oprah raved about using this product a few years ago on her talk show, when she had it.
Looks like NioCell Collagen is popular. I did read good things about it online! May have to give it "future" purchase consideration.
@Osha - thank you for posting and your hair is beautiful. I just googled Neocell Super Collagen

Pure & Natural
Ligaments and Tendons
Total Body Health
Radiant Skin • Thicker Hair • Stronger Nails • Healthier Joints
Collagen is a complex structural protein that maintains strength and flexibility throughout the body. Super Collagen+C™ is made up of the collagen peptides Type 1&3 which support collagen in skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones

Sounds like one to try!!!
You're welcome, no sure about the capsules though, I think it comes in powder or liquid as well. I have the powder, tastes awful.
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I take 10g of Chlorella and 10g of Spirulina, so I get 60-70% from both :yep:
Osha soonergirl and @LisMar I just ordered some NeoCell collagen powder too ! :grin: now I'm all excited because of the information ilong just posted about it :grin:
But did you say it tastes awful ? :nono: guess I'll have to hold my nose while drinking it like I do with the hemp :lol:
I also take Proto-Col collagen capsules 3 every night. So I want to take these on the week days and the powder on the weekends.
And I also have some hemp protein but the taste is disgusting :lol: it's 30g per serving :yep: I just started taking this but haven't been consistent with it.
You and I appear to have found a new definition for "PJ" - Protein Junkies :lachen:
I think that makes you a "Double PJ"

We'd better watch out or we are going to turn into real live Superwomen as a result of all the derived energy.:yep:

Thank you for the post!
ilong your most welcome !
Protein Junkies :lachen:
I am a double PJ ! It's true ! I have so much energy even though I sleep so late, I'm not as tired as I would be without my energy suppliers :yep:

EDA: I thought I would also mention that I am taking these for skin, nails and eyelash and eyebrow growth too :grin: and I also thought this would be beneficial to my back and neck, when I don't sleep properly and get pains :yep:
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I take 10g of Chlorella and 10g of Spirulina, so I get 60-70% from both :yep:
@Osha @soonergirl and @LisMar I just ordered some NeoCell collagen powder too ! :grin: now I'm all excited because of the information @ilong just posted about it :grin:
But did you say it tastes awful ? :nono: guess I'll have to hold my nose while drinking it like I do with the hemp :lol:
I also take Proto-Col collagen capsules 3 every night. So I want to take these on the week days and the powder on the weekends.
And I also have some hemp protein but the taste is disgusting :lol: it's 30g per serving :yep: I just started taking this but haven't been consistent with it.

Hello!! with the powder i mix with warm water to dissolve. A little less than half a cup, its not delicious but I drink it quickly. It also states its best to take neocell on an empty stomach and wait 30 mins before eating. The Meiji collagen powder tastes better than the neocell. Both are amazing...
Osha, just had to take a break and look at your beautiful hair!!! Gorgeous!!

Thank you so much, but it's because of all of you on this forum that's how I learned to take care of it and grow it long, I was so clueless before my lurking began. So you should all be very proud of yourselves, you did a good job.
soonergirl Hiii :grin:
Now I'm all excited to start drinking my NeoCell ! I'll be drinking it with orange juice because I read the directions on vitacost :yep: I think I will be takin it on the weekends whilst taking my proto col collagen capsules on weekdays :yep:

EDA I'm not sure if I should just take the NeoCell powder only on weekends, because I don't want to break between the proto col and the NeoCell, from reading the reviews i want to be consistent with both and take the, daily. Plus my NeoCell powder hasn't come yet and I don't think it's coming until the end of next week at the earliest so I will take my capsules until then and then see from there :yep:
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I take youtheory advanced formula collagen. You're supposed to take 6 tablets/day but I've only worked up to taking 3/day thus far. For the last couple of days I've been crushing them in OJ so I may start doing 6/day this way. No way I can swallow 6 of those horse pills every day.
cynd - thanks for the post. I've added Youtheory Collagen to the growing list. Hopefully more ladies will chime in.
Can we include actual foods too ? I know peanuts and almonds in particular are very high in protein :yep:
I think almonds have approximately 21g of protein per 100g and peanut butter is about 28% protein :grin: