Type 3 subtypes?

Stole this post from someone... I've been accused of perpetrating on 3c hair(lol)... according to this chart I'm bout a 3b8... do yall think this chard is valid?

"I found this chart of 3b subtype categories a few weeks ago on a BlackHairMedia forum. I never even knew there were subtypes of 3b hair! The chart was originally posted on BlendedBeauty.net, but it seems like the website no longer exists. I thought it would be fun to share this cool chart, because I know my fellow 3b curlies would appreciate it
. Here are the different subtypes of 3b hair:

Type 3b – big cupid curls to small spiral curls

This group has up to 9 subtypes, categorized by size and tightness of curl"









Thank you for posting that chart.

In this chart 3b9 is looser than 3b8 and 3b7. I find hair typing so confusing. There’s so much variation amongst people. It’s hard to label hair types, and at times it seems subjective despite all the charts. I mean it’s like everyone has their version of 3c. My hair doesn’t really fit anyone of the descriptions. Type 1s and 2s are easy to type but things become a bit blurry when hair enters the 3b-4a range.
its not really valid or invalid cause somebody just made it up and theres no set in store rule of hair types. so u can make up ur own and call your hair whatever. it doesnt really matter in the long run.

this chart looks like it includes andrews 3c hair(yes i know 3c was an addon as well) buts its kindof cool that shows the difference between silky 3b-c satiny 3b-c and kinky/cottony 3b-c
its not really valid or invalid cause somebody just made it up and theres no set in store rule of hair types. so u can make up ur own and call your hair whatever. it doesnt really matter in the long run.

this chart looks like it includes andrews 3c hair(yes i know 3c was an addon as well) buts its kindof cool that shows the difference between silky 3b-c satiny 3b-c and kinky/cottony 3b-c

tru i like that this one actually accounted for my hair... i never really saw it on andrew's chart
imo 3b9 looks like looser curls than 3b8 just shorter. I dont know, i've seen this chart before and i doubt it'll make hairtyping any easier (if that is the point) i think there'll be alot of discussion over using weaves as an example of hair type and such but all in all i like the fact it's including more examples of the diversity of our hair :)
Oh man...I dunno cause you and I clearly have similar textures of hair, but I have no natural curl pattern for real (I'm like a kink...kinda) but the products my hair likes are all for 3 types...so I just call mine 3z 'cause I have no other way to describe it. My hair looks closest to that last one, 3b9...but I dunno. ITA with everyone else here: hair typing can be confusing :perplexed:
Where's that other thread that gets bumped every blue moon with the photos for 4a-4z? :lachen: This reminded me of it.
Oh man...I dunno cause you and I clearly have similar textures of hair, but I have no natural curl pattern for real (I'm like a kink...kinda) but the products my hair likes are all for 3 types...so I just call mine 3z 'cause I have no other way to describe it. My hair looks closest to that last one, 3b9...but I dunno. ITA with everyone else here: hair typing can be confusing :perplexed:

I think we have the same hair.
I've seen this chart on bhm and it was even more confusing to me. The 3b9 is looser than the 3b8. I would consider the 3b8 to be 3c:ohwell:,
I used to think I was 3c before I was armed with the proper information of how to take loving care of my hair.

My used-to-be-unruly hair that would break every comb in its path and look almost 4a is now looking 3b and when I want my hair to do something these days (to look type 1-4 ) it just says ":master:":yep:

What a difference TLC makes!:love3:
that 3b8 looks like processed hair to me. most of it is kinky except for the last inch or two. so its damaged by either heat or color, or she picked the heck out of it and forgot the last couple of inches... either way using processed hair as an hair type example is a little.... eh...

(i ve never seen anyones hair grow out as 3b5. it looks a little to "perfect")

i agree this chart doesnt seem to go in size order. or even pattern order. i just like the fact that they at least attempt to show that not every 3b or 3c looks the same. so kudos to that.

but on this chart i would be a mix of 3b3 and 3b7.

and this chart was invented by afro german girl i believe. blended beauty has a similar one, but i dont believe its this exact one.
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Hmm...I'm still confused. I was thinking 3b4 for 3b7 but how I go from 4-7? So I still have no idea what my hair type is.

we have sooo many ppl here with soo many hair types, i wish we had one thread where everyone could post a picture of their hair while short or long, with product or without so that we could develop our own hair type chart.

but.. with so many ppl..... that probably wouldnt happen
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we have sooo many ppl here with soo many hair types, i wish we had one thread where everyone could post a picture of their hair while short or long, with product or without so that we could develop our own hair type chart.

but.. with so many ppl..... that probably wouldnt happen


I like this idea! I think we should at least attempt it, somehow. I just recently found someone who is literally my hair twin on another board... she has like 5 inches of hair, and it looked EXACTLY like mine at 5 inches!

But, we might have never known had I not kept pics from BC to present. She might have looked at my pics like :rolleyes: "my hurr don't look like that" and kept it moving.

I love to see short starting pics because it lets me see how certain textures grow out as well. :yep:

we have sooo many ppl here with soo many hair types, i wish we had one thread where everyone could post a picture of their hair while short or long, with product or without so that we could develop our own hair type chart.

but.. with so many ppl..... that probably wouldnt happen

That's what I said in another thread, along with adding the strand sizes and density. It would be invaluable to newbies and veterans alike...! :yep:

we have sooo many ppl here with soo many hair types, i wish we had one thread where everyone could post a picture of their hair while short or long, with product or without so that we could develop our own hair type chart.

but.. with so many ppl..... that probably wouldnt happen

i wanna try... lets try... then franchise it like andre and make a line of hair care products lol
that 3b8 looks like processed hair to me. most of it is kinky except for the last inch or two. so its damaged by either heat or color, or she picked the heck out of it and forgot the last couple of inches... either way using processed hair as an hair type example is a little.... eh...

The 3b8 is one of the sisters from Miss Jessies, and IIRC, she uses a "silkener." Hence you are correct--it is processed (texturized) hair.
The 3b8 is one of the sisters from Miss Jessies, and IIRC, she uses a "silkener." Hence you are correct--it is processed (texturized) hair.

mine looked like that when i was little when my mom forgot to put in the grease....
lookin for the pic now...
and the only processing i've had is color, but i didnt start that til i was 19