Type 2 something Hair help


New Member
Ok my 7 year old daughter is type 2 something (im thinking 2 A). She has super thin/fine hair. Now I'm a 3 something (i'm thinking 3c) so some my stuff that I use in her hair makes it look all heavy and greasy looking. I need some regimen and product suggestions from any of the ladies with type 2 hair. I also need some hair thickening suggestions too. Can I henna a child?
My daughter's a 2b. I tend to use liquid-spray conditioner/detangler on her hair to moisturize. I tend to stay away from moisturizers that are cremes or pomades b/c of the heaviness and greasiness you described. I use JASON kids shampoo (natural hair-care line of products) when I wash her hair. I've never henna'd and haven't researched it thoroughly, so I can't say whether or not it's okay to use on a kid. However, there are shampoos with biotin (which helps to thicken hair) and other hair-thickening shampoos you might want to use. Also, just a healthy diet can improve the health and thickness of hair.
You can safely henna a child... if you use art quality henna it's all natural and won't harm her or her hair.

I don't think that it'd be an enjoyable experience for a 7 year old though. No kid wants to sit around for hours with green goop in their hair.

Why does her hair need thickening?

I have a little experience with lightly waved hair, my cousin has it.

A great, light moisturizer for type 2 hair - Pure aloe vera gel.

She probably doesn't need oils. If you use any, use it sparingly and something light. Jojoba is good.

For a child I would want to keep it very simple and natural/organic if possible. A co wash once a week (may help with thickness) and a shampoo and deep condition once a week.

Jason products work, and they have a biotin line I believe. Aubrey organics is a great line too.
My daughters best friend has 2a-2b ish hair. When she spends the night and washes her hair she used Burts Bees on her hair and it works wonderful. Her hair comes out soft but not weighted down at all. It cleans the oil off her scalp but doesn't strip the hair. There products are very gentle and are 94% to 98% natural.

Hope this helps
thanks yall, so dag on helpful.

I want to thicken it up because her hair is so thin u can see her scalp. mine is like that too but because of my curlies it helps cover it up. im going to start henna'ing my hair next month and i was thinking i might as well plop some on her hair while I do mine.