Two Video Reviews of "The Science of Black Hair"

Here are two video reviews of Sistaslicks's "The Science of Black Hair."

What do you think of these reviews and the comments below them? Do you find them to be comprehensive?

- No credibility: "I don't really read." "I don't like to read." "I like to look at pictures... in color."
- No content: "Buy the book. It's a good book. It's a difficult book to read, so read it twice. But, it's a good book. So, buy the book."
This comment and her response made me chuckle. (1st video)


Honey! You NEED to read. Your grammar needs help

Reply ·
AKIYIAKELLY 7 months ago

This book dosent have any thing to do with Grammer...

Mrs English Teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!