Well-Known Member
Does the twirl make the hair hold better at the roots?
Not as well as braids would. In the video where I'm undoing my twist, I had braided the base, and you can see me undoing the braid. I no longer do that because undoing braids on my natural hair w/o extension hair mixed in is a pain in the you-know-what. Unlike twists, braids on my natural hair alone lock up easily, so now I twist all the way from base to ends. The twists are firm at the base when freshly done. The close up I posted earlier (reposted below) show you how base of the twists look after 4 weeks and 8 washes:

You twirl each section first in the same direction and then you wrap around in the opposite direction. Did you watch this video?I have yet to start my twists still kinda confused about the twist and I twirling each section while I twist?
I don't think words can explain as well as that visual.
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