Two more weeks till I relax,but in the meantime...


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Ok,I am at 6 weeks post relaxer and some of you ladies might remember reading that I am trying to extend my relaxer to 8 weeks this time. Well its getting SOOOOOO hard. I attempted a braidout and my hair came out looking like a woolly mess. Well I decided that I am too vain to go around with my hair looking like that for two more weeks....LOL
So I decided to compromise for the next two weeks between heat styling and protective. Please look at my regime below for the next two weeks and tell me if you think it will be ok.

Sun- Condition wash
Deep condition
Blow dry with heat protectant until hair is 80% dry
Wrap to complete the drying process.
Next day curl with curling iron

Wed- Condition wash
Deep condition
Airdry with Scurl and braid
Next day wear hair in a ponytail
No heat

Sun- repeat,using wednesdays regime (ponytail,no heat)

Wed- repeat sundays regime

Sat- Relax new growth

This would get me through the next two weeks. I would only be putting heat on my hair twice in two weeks and considering I dont use heat otherwise I dont think it would be too damaging. Please tell me what you think.

Tee Tee
Im just wondering if you wear buns at all? I found that buns and conditioner washes helped me extend my retouch from the usual 7 weeks to 12 weeks with minimal/hardly any breakage.
Hi Babygurl,

I wear buns on days that I dont have to work and when I have to work on the weekends but never during the weekday at work when I want to look my best. Although the bun is a very flattering hairstyle on some people,I dont particularly like it on me. I do look very nice in a ponytail so I guess I could wear ponytails for the next two weeks but I want a little more versatility.

Tee Tee
I used to get my hair put in cornrows, keep it moisturized, tie it up at night, I would wash it (gently) and it would last about 10-12 days.
I really want to wear it out during this time. The only upstyle that I like to wear regularly is my ponytail but I really cant see myself rockin' a ponytail everyday for two weeks,thats why I was asking about my regime. Can someone tell me if this regime would be ok?

Tee Tee
I think it will be fine, as long as you are using a heat protectant. Its not like you'll be using heat every single day.
Thanks DigitalRain. I was thinking the same thing because I believe heat is only damaging when abused and I really dont think my regime constitutes abuse of heat styling.Besides,once I relax I will go right back to my "no heat" regime.

Tee Tee
I think you should be alright heat styling once each of the last two weeks before your touch up for a total of two times heat styling. I won't comment on your regime in total because I don't use some of the methods you listed but, like I said heat styling should be alright for this limited time.
Tee Tee, I'm just at 7 weeks and am having the urge to retouch sooner. I understand what you mean about wearing a ponytail for 2 weeks straight. I've been wearing my down on the weekends only but that's when I have the hardest time. So, maybe I'll try going without heat for these last couple weeks to make it.
Wow keylargo,so we are at about the same length in our post relaxer time. I will be going into my 7th week starting tomorrow. My goal is 8 weeks,whats yours?

Tee Tee
My goal is to go at least 8 weeks. I can't even consider going longer then that until I make it to 8 weeks. Then I can see what I'm dealing with. I just know that my last touch-up was at 6 weeks and my hair had no body to it. I keep telling myself that if I give in, then I'll regret it like I did last time.

I hot curled my hair yesterday and wore it down. I had more shedding/breaking then I have when I wear my hair up. Plus, the curls didn't hold as well. It was really frustrating. I tried greasing my scalp with some blue majic hair grease but that didn't help much. I probably should have tried wgo. I think the reason I'm able to do okay with the ponytails is because I use curl activator and moisturizers (carefree curl brand) and they really soften my new growth. Too bad I can't use them when I curl my hair and wear it down.
Re: Two more weeks till I relax,but in the meantim

Tee :I'm surprised the braid out didn't work....what did you do? I'm currently 9 weeks now and the braidout is great.....I don't have to comb my hair much and it's got great waves/curls
Re: Two more weeks till I relax,but in the meantim

Hi ccd,

The braid out is my primary style and it comes out lovely up until I'm 4 weeks post relaxer,then my hair is mad thick and there is so much new growth that it just looks puffy at the root. What I do is condition wash,deep condition,put serum to help with my comb out,then I apply leave in conditioner, then scurl and braid. As I said,usually it comes out lovely but when there is new growth,it looks like a nest......LOL

Tee Tee