Twists.. my hair AND extension?


Active Member

I would like to get two strand twists in my texlaxed hair, but I do not like the bulky-ness of twists with extensions. As much as I shampoo/steam I don't think twists with just my hair would last long enough to justify the price of getting my own hair two-strand twisted. So I've come up with an idea, and I'm looking for yays or nays... lol

Do you think that if I get the front of my hair twisted with my own hair, and the back twisted with extensions that it would look crazy? I'm trying to picture it in my head... the front would be less dense with only my hair twisted... the back would be thicker (bulkier) but less noticeable since it's the back. More than likely I'd wear them up in a bun (to protective style) with some loose twists hanging out in the front.

I can't find pics or any kinds of posts through google with this idea so I'm thinking it might be a little farfetched lol... whatcha think? keep it funky. lol:grin:
If the extension hair is a close match to your own hair texture you can get by with wearing the back up in a bun or in an updo. I think they would need to adjust the twist size to make it look uniform all over.

If you have a pack of hair, just take a small section and make a twist out of it and compare it to your own twists to see if you think it will fly.
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I agree with ^^^ make sure it matches and watch out that you don't let the back get too bulky, keep the back more moisturized as well, because that synthetic hair can get dry (I've done 3 sets of twists with syn. hair and it can get veeeeeery dry) but it should be fine
If the extension hair is a close match to your own hair texture you can get by with wearing the back up in a bun or in an updo. I think they would need to adjust the twist size to make it look uniform all over.

If you have a pack of hair, just take a small section and make a twist out of it and compare it to your own twists to see if you think it will fly.

That's a good idea! On top of that, I could probably schedule a consultation, bring the hair with me and have them do two. I could see exactly what both would look like on my head.

I agree with ^^^ make sure it matches and watch out that you don't let the back get too bulky, keep the back more moisturized as well, because that synthetic hair can get dry (I've done 3 sets of twists with syn. hair and it can get veeeeeery dry) but it should be fine

You have a point... if the back is too bulky it's gonna be ridick looking, which is what I'm afraid. But maybe if they only use a little bit of extension hair the twists would be less dense. As for it getting dry, I assume I can steam with the twists in? I steam twice a week nowadays and would probably wanna keep it up.

and Thanks for your responses y'all :yep:
bump..... I'm trying to get visuals. I love Tracie Thoms hair and was wondering if maybe I could do the "baby curl twists" in the back, then it would be easier to blend with the twists in the front that would be just my hair.

I'm struggling here. I think I may be trying too hard with this one :nono: lol
Maybe you could do yarn twists, and have it the same length as your real hair. Yarn is lightweight, so it would cut down on the bulkiness factor of extensions. Also, it holds up nicely after washings.
Maybe you could do yarn twists, and have it the same length as your real hair. Yarn is lightweight, so it would cut down on the bulkiness factor of extensions. Also, it holds up nicely after washings.

I've never even heard of that before... I'm off to google for some pics! lol