Twists Are Dangerous For Me


Active Member
Okay since I decided to stop putting heat in my natural hair, I've been wearing it up in one pony. Boring, but safe. I decided to start experimenting with natural styles, and twists seemed to be the easiest. Now I have a head full of twists, and they are swinging and bouncing all over the place, but.......

I'm touching my hair all the time. Can you say manipulation? :eek: In addition, they brush on my shoulders so I'm worried about my ends rubbing off, and catching in my clothes. :( I've seen so many of you wearing twists. Quite a few of you are wearing them for long periods of time (2 - 3 wks). Do you have breakage on the ends from them rubbing on your collars or shoulders? If so, what do you do to prevent breakage? Is this a style that's more for summer when we're not wearing sweaters so much?
I am not natural.. but I was just thinking.. even my relaxed ends can get caught up on my clothing (shoulder length currently).. and I keep my ends moisturized and then seal with oil to lubricate the ends(it softens them).. the advice that I have seen on here wether natural or relaxed is u may have to keep the ones that are brushing your clothes pinned up to keep them from rubbing against the fabrics. Alot of ladies on here do protective stylings.. and at times I will pin my hair up. but I don't bun everyday.. hth:)
Maybe this will defeat the purpose..but when I wore twists I wore them up in a loose bun so my ends wouldn't brush on anything.
Thanks InnerSoul. You betcha, without a doubt I moisturize and seal my ends even more with the twists in.:D I'm too afraid not to.

InnerSoul and imstush, I think I will have to pull them up. That's good advice, and I appreciate it. After seeing ladies with their twists down I thought that was the way to wear them, but the combination of me touching the twists and them touching my collar and shoulders is not a good one for me at all.
imstush said:
Maybe this will defeat the purpose..but when I wore twists I wore them up in a loose bun so my ends wouldn't brush on anything.

When I wear my hair in twists I do the same thing. :yep:
Thanks ladies, that is exactly what I decided to do. They come down today, and I'm going back to my ponytail up in a plastic claw.
When I had my hair. I had them twice and I agree. They thinned my hair out so bad. I had see through ends.