Twist outs and SSK?


Well-Known Member
Seems like twist out styles result in single strand knots and dry ends. Has anyone overcome this? If so, how?

Wondering if airdrying 75% and a quick blowdry w/comb attachment, followed by flat twists and sealing my ends with vaseline can overcome this. The blowdrying could be eliminated. I'm adding it in because I think it eliminates SSK.

Anybody try this? What were your results? Were you able to still retain length, maintain healthy hair, have somewhat of a style and eliminate SSK's?
How do you do your twists?

I was flat ironing and using a hair butter. I re-twisted every night. I've since found another method - airdrying with a great leave in, but I'm afraid that my ends will be even more destroyed.
How do you do your twists?

I was flat ironing and using a hair butter. I re-twisted every night. I've since found another method - airdrying with a great leave in, but I'm afraid that my ends will be even more destroyed.

Why would your ends be more destroyed with air drying and a leave in?
I use tiny rollers at the ends of my twist outs. Using rollers has stopped my single strand knots. My guess is that my single strand knots were happening as my hair was drying. My hair was curling around itself as it air-dried.
That's just it, idk. I've only been at it for about 3 wks now, so I'm still experimenting. What kind of tiny rollers do you use? Do you have a pic? My twists are very short. Don't think I can roll them, so I just put some vaseline on ends.
Im sorry they dont work for you. My twist are medium size to keep the ssk from forming. I know if i do small twist out i get ssk..
^^^ Same as above. When I did big twist outs, the hair was so stretched it would not make SSKs. I even worked out with a chunky twist out and still no knotting.