Twist out with aloe vera gel


Well-Known Member
For people who twist or braid out and use aloe vera gel, can you tell me what kind of results you get? Also, if I use it with conditioner, is that a bad mixture?

One more question, have you tried with IC fantasia gel and if so, which one gave better results?
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I used aloe vera gel for my braidout and it was excellent the first day, but after a few days my hair became dull and lackluster because I was rebraiding it every day with the aloe vera gel. I wouldn't suggest using it everyday.
I have used it on a twist out and I like how moist my hair feels afterward

I agree with libra don't use it everyday

I have also used it along with conditioner and along with Potion # 9 and it was fine

IC gel didn't work well for me
Hi ladies, what brand of aloe vera gel do you use/like? I've never tried it and was thinking of going to the beauty store this weekend to pick some up.