Twist Out Question


Well-Known Member
I've been reviewing different techniques but haven't seen this.

Has anyone tried this?

1. Apply product to dry hair.
2. Twist.
3. Rinse under shower water (just enough to moisten the hair)
4. Towel dry excess water,
5. Dab a lil more product on, seal the ends & set as usual.
6 Air Dry
7. Take apart in the morning.

I'm considering trying this but if someone else has, I'd like to know how this worked for them, or the pros/cons.

My hair is fine and texlaxed.

I've never tried it personally. I always do my twist outs on wet hair, if I notice the definition leaving after a few days, I'll spritz with a mix of h20, con and oil, retwist and take down in the morning, add PM The Conditioner leave in, and seal with oil.

However, I don't know if my answer is of any help, I don't think my hair is conisdered fine...

Hopefully some others will chime in.......
Actually I stumbled upon a similiar method accidently. After having worn my twists for around 2 - 21/2 weeks (they had been washed/deep conditioned while in as I was taking a swim class at the time) I piled in Pantene R&N conditioner immediately after class and planned to take them down that night when I got home. Well I got lazy and left the twist in and took them out the next morning before work. Some were still damp, but since the twists were small to begin with they didn't really swell up or lose definition. They honestly looked like small spirals rather than my normal twist out.

Anyhow, to cut the story short that twist out turned out to be one of the best I ever had. I wore it for 4 days, just pulling back at night into a ponytail and shaking out in the morning, never resetting or anything! It definitely would have went longer but I needed to go ahead and wash while I had time, but needless to say I am trying it again this weekend (current twists have been in for 2 weeks). I think it's something about the water causing the hair to lock into the shape when it shrinks. Try it and you may be surprised.
My hair is fine too and I agree with PatTodd....I think this would leave it frizzy. When twisting you want the hair to be as smooth as possible (like when rollersetting) so you get a smooth frizz-free twist-out but the rinsing would probably ruffle the hair back up.

I have heard of naturals rinsing their twists to plump them back up but I don't think they are doing twist-outs with it.

Who knows could work really well. I say try it out. Trying different techniques is the only way we learn to get the best out of our hair. I've tried so many kooky things with my hair, lol.....a lot of them have been great discoveries though.
:bump: Now, 2 Loc journey's later it seems my hair care needs and interests have come full circle. I'll try the method in my OP soon. BTW I know Aloe Vera Gel makes a great and beneficial substitute for steps 3 & 4.
That would loosen my twists. I wouldn't do that. I spray my hair down with a water bottle as I'm twisting, so it's usually really wet during my twisting it.