Twist out knot out-oh hell no


Well-Known Member
I am transitioning and have tons of new growth. I did braid extensions for about 3 weeks but got sick of it and took them down. On this very difficult hair I always do a bantu knot out. I either do two strand twist or just twist my hair around itself in small sections and knot it down. I do this either on wet hair or dry hair or somewhere in between. This is the only style that I wear my hair in because its short and this is the only style that looks halfway decent. However, without fail I have an issue at least 2 to 3 times a week where my hair looks today. I did the same twists the same knots and my hair looks horrible. Why is it that somedays I have beautiful hair and other days it looks so bad that I want to relax? I admit I don't know what products are best to use. Last night I did a DC in braided sections and a castor oil rinse and my hair got so greasy that I tried to wash the castor oil out but still ended up with greasy hair that didnt really curl in many places. My hair is greasy and dry and breaking off with just touching it. I also used hawaiian silky before twisting my hair last night. My hair looks horrible and I'm feeling really self conscious and ready to relax. I use a pudding or jelly sometimes when I do this and by the 3rd day my hair has so much product build up that I have to wash and then go through detangling again with is just too much too often. Why is my hair so uncooperative? This is the only style that I have that I like and I don't know what to do to get it so that it looks good everytime. Is there a product I should/shouldn't be using? Is there a method that I am missing? I am not interested in doing the weave thing and I am sick of braid extensions. I want to wear my hair out because I like the free feeling I have wearing my hair this way but I can't have days where my hair feels and looks awful. I am going on a year and a half into my hair journey and I still cant figure out how to get a curly style that looks cute or at least reasonable. Please help so that I won't go home and relax. I really want to keep going.
If you can see theres no texture to the curl and theres frizz everywhere

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A castor oil rinse???

The Black Jamaican Castor oil and the regular Castor oil are very THICK. I only use that stuff in the fall/winter months. I love caster oil (only on my scalp and ends) not on the entire shaft it makes the hair greasy and collects lent and dust faster. Maybe try a lighter oil to rinse with next time. Have you ever used Coconut oil or Vatika oil something anything but Castor oil lol.
It looks like you have a fine hair texture. I think the products you’re using may be too heavy for your hair.

So maybe the problem is that you're waiting too long between washes? I would experiment with either using less product, lighter products, or if you like your current products and application, washing more often.
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