TWA Ladies - What products give you the best curl definition (wash-n-go)?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking ahead for my first wash-and-go and wondering what products I should use. I had good results with Miss Jessie's Quick Curls when I was relaxed . . . but it left my hair kind of crunchy.

Product suggestions, please!
Ive only used Kinky Kurly Curling Custard for my wash and gos and I always love the results. I am eager to try out different products other ladies may be using.
I haven't tried Miss Jessie's yet, but I have tried KC and Shea Moisture. Both did absolutely nothing for my hair in terms of curl definition, I was left with frizzy hair. I did try Fantasia Gel mixed with olive oil and I had the best curl definition, and no frizz later in the day.
The only thing that I have tried is Ecostyler gel and that is because it is readily available. Does it leave the hair hard? No. Does it flake up? Yes. Am I willing to try other products out there? Yes.
I had a hard time believing the rave about Darcy Botanical's Curly Jelly. But the truth is.... it is incredible! Before I was using Kera Care Natural's Custard which is not even in the same league as DB's jelly.
I haven't tried Miss Jessie's yet, but I have tried KC and Shea Moisture. Both did absolutely nothing for my hair in terms of curl definition, I was left with frizzy hair.

***I did try Fantasia Gel mixed with olive oil and I had the best curl definition, and no frizz later in the day***.

Yeah what she said^^^. I used the exact mixture (bolded/teal) on my hair when I was fully natural and even now that I am tightly texlaxed as well. It works even better now:grin:.
@Glib Gurl, I don't know if you can tell your hair texture/pattern yet, but IMO my 4B hair looks a hot mess in a WNG--like uncombed hair--and I believe would only resemble a type 4A WNG if I shingled (You can see 4B hair shingled in @tkj25's photos here). Otherwise, my WNG would look like that of @AfroKink and be a nightmare to deal with later. In order for clumping to be uniform when kinks are so small, you'd need to stretch/smooth strands repeatedly to open them up and thus allow them to match up with each other and thus curl up in groups--which is why shingling works. Otherwise, lack of clumping means little obvious definition or clear visibility of the pattern.

So check out this thread to get an idea of how different textures look like in a WNG and what products were used to achieve the looks as it may help know what to expect or at least give you recommendations of what products work and how:
Definitely Kinky Curly Curling Custard. (It's very sticky though!) EcoStyler gel comes in at a close 2nd.
My leave in conditioner of the moment + organix coconut anti frizz hair serum :yep:

My personal advice... focus on the anti frizz element for you wash and go's
@Glib Gurl, I don't know if you can tell your hair texture/pattern yet, but IMO my 4B hair looks a hot mess in a WNG--like uncombed hair--and I believe would only resemble a type 4A WNG if I shingled (You can see 4B hair shingled in @tkj25's photos here). Otherwise, my WNG would look like that of @AfroKink and be a nightmare to deal with later. In order for clumping to be uniform when kinks are so small, you'd need to stretch/smooth strands repeatedly to open them up and thus allow them to match up with each other and thus curl up in groups--which is why shingling works. Otherwise, lack of clumping means little obvious definition or clear visibility of the pattern.

So check out this thread to get an idea of how different textures look like in a WNG and what products were used to achieve the looks as it may help know what to expect or at least give you recommendations of what products work and how:

Because the "thanks" button wasn't enough. . . .

Sometimes you dont need a certain product to bring out your curls.

I've noticed that the more I co-wash throughout the week, the more definition I have.. And thats after just applying my leave-in & some oil only.

For example, I typically shampoo on Sunday, then co-wash on Tues or Wed and then co-wash AGAIN by Friday. By that time there is some good curls in my hair.

It could also be the moisture factor too. The more I wash and let water hit my hair, the more it curls up without products ike a custard, gelly, etc. My hair doesnt have that much definition on wash day either because I've detangled & all the product is washed out. Its squeaky clean on wash day.

But by the end of the week, I've moisturized my hair to death by co-washing & adding good leave-ins and oils.

And I'm a type 4 and I am not shingling. Tried it and it looked just like @Nonie described. Like nothing happened..Hell, i'll sell you some of my custards & gellies & puddings if you want OP. Cause unless I take the time to rake it through my hair section by section, its NOT going to work..

Bout damn time you did the BC too..gettin' on my nerves with that mess..:giggle: CONGRATS! I been there!
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Sometimes you dont need a certain product to bring out your curls.

I've noticed that the more I co-wash throughout the week, the more definition I have.. And thats after just applying my leave-in & some oil only.

For example, I typically shampoo on Sunday, then co-wash on Tues or Wed and then co-wash AGAIN by Friday. By that time there is some good curls in my hair.

It could also be the moisture factor too. The more I wash and let water hit my hair, the more it curls up without products ike a custard, gelly, etc. My hair doesnt have that much definition on wash day either because I've detangled & all the product is washed out. Its squeaky clean on wash day.

But by the end of the week, I've moisturized my hair to death by co-washing & adding good leave-ins and oils.

And I'm a type 4 and I am not shingling. Tried it and it looked just like @Nonie described. Like nothing happened..Hell, i'll sell you some of my custards & gellies & puddings if you want OP. Cause unless I take the time to rake it through my hair section by section, its NOT going to work..

Bout damn time you did the BC too..gettin' on my nerves with that mess..:giggle: CONGRATS! I been there!

I agree. The less I do to my hair on wash day the more it coils up. I do find that I get shiny coily hair when I use my Sebastian Potion 9 leave in. Its the only product I've tried so far that gives my hair a nice sheen.

Seriously. I have type idk/idc hair and the only way it will have a defined pattern is if I do a serious clarify while in the shower so that gravity can pull it down and then don't touch it forever. Maybe a little bit of leave in. But as soon as I touch it it explodes.

I think I'm the only person with this problem. I don't think that was good advice lol.*hangs head and exits thread*
ITA with depends soley on what type of texture your hair is as to what products and technique will work for you.
Thanks ladies for these recommendations. I have to give some a try because I just BC'ed and feel like I don't know a damn thing. I was natural (pressed) all throughout high school and I remember having different textures throughout my scalp, but I forgot just how different. Hopefully some custard can save this head.
I used to use eco styler. But after a while I would just use water and some sort of moisturizer. I stopped caring about defining curls after a few months.
I am a 4bc and I cannot use too many oils, greases, or products.

I have been doing the co-washing thing and for moisture I only use a spray mix of water, EVOO, and Mixed Silk leave in.

I don't describe my hair as curly and I don't try to define any curls because my individual strands are very fine and when water hits my hair it swells and gets puffy like a sponge.

I just try to work with what I have to achieve soft and puffy hair and I have been enjoying it so far.

My wash and goes usually look like this.


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Sometimes you dont need a certain product to bring out your curls.

I've noticed that the more I co-wash throughout the week, the more definition I have.. And thats after just applying my leave-in & some oil only.

For example, I typically shampoo on Sunday, then co-wash on Tues or Wed and then co-wash AGAIN by Friday. By that time there is some good curls in my hair.

It could also be the moisture factor too. The more I wash and let water hit my hair, the more it curls up without products ike a custard, gelly, etc. My hair doesnt have that much definition on wash day either because I've detangled & all the product is washed out. Its squeaky clean on wash day.

But by the end of the week, I've moisturized my hair to death by co-washing & adding good leave-ins and oils.

And I'm a type 4 and I am not shingling. Tried it and it looked just like @Nonie described. Like nothing happened..Hell, i'll sell you some of my custards & gellies & puddings if you want OP. Cause unless I take the time to rake it through my hair section by section, its NOT going to work..

Bout damn time you did the BC too..gettin' on my nerves with that mess..:giggle: CONGRATS! I been there!

This is exactly what has helped me to be able to go without adding too much product to my hair besides leave-in, water, and EVOO.

I think 4b/c/z hair needs to be watered everyday in order to hold moisture and soften.

At least that has worked for me.

And it seems as if I must water may hair every day if not every other day but I don't run out of the house with a soaking wet head.

If I co-wash at night, only my roots are damp in the morning.

When I spray and re dampen my hair all around, my roots may still be a tad bit damp but my hair is so thick that I can't feel cold on my scalp anyways. :lol: