Turn Your Crisis Into A Turning Point

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Most Americans today live a life governed by cycles of personal crises; a phenomena I call "living in crisis mode." The definition of the word "crisis" is: a problem, situation, or condition, that's beyond your control or your ability to change.

A crisis comes in all shapes and forms such as receiving a discouraging doctor's report or a spouse telling you they don't love you anymore because they found someone else. It could be losing your life's investment or a foreclosing on your house or a loved one passing away. These challenges and many more bring us into crisis mode, but the problem is that we can get used to living that way: conditioned to accept boundaries created by these on-going crises. When we are in crisis mode, survival becomes our only goal.... not complete deliverance, freedom, and victory. Or if some of us have a victim mentality, we can even enjoy living like this, because it gives us much-needed attention and affirmation.
How can our crisis become a turning point? Let's formulate some principles and look at how the woman with the issue of blood (found in Mark 5:25-34) turned her crisis around.

1. Become sick and tired of being sick and tired. After spending all her money on doctors for twelve years, she finally got to that point. For some of us it took longer and many still aren't there yet; they're still trying to manage their crisis. It's like going to "pain management" clinics for the rest of your life instead of finally getting rid of all the pain. You have to get to the point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Are you there yet?

2. Believe the good news. Remember what it says in Romans 10:17, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." This woman heard about all that Jesus had done. You can't let God turn your crisis around without having faith in His Word. Study the Word and take notes on the sermons you hear at church. Bury God's Word in your heart, so you'll believe and will also have faith, (two different things). Faith involves: action- acting out God's word and communication- declaring what you heard over your circumstance. As she crawled behind Him to touch His garment, she said in verse 28, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well."

3. Make the right choice. She chose to no longer manage her crisis. She abandoned her own efforts completely and cried out to God! Your life today is the sum total of all your choices. Today you can make the right choice.

4. Express your desperation. Desperate people won't let public opinion keep them away from their miracle. In the Bible we read that blind Bartimaeus cried out to the Lord with a loud voice, Jairus the ruler of the synagogue forced himself to get to Jesus in the midst of a large crowd, and of course we just looked at the bold actions of the woman with the issue of blood. These desperate people did everything to get Jesus' attention, and He responded to them in a positive way. Although Jesus was in the midst of the multitude, only blind Bartimaeus, the woman with issue of blood, and Jairus received a turn around, so God's presence alone isn't enough. How you express your desperation is individual and personal. There is no formula to it.....but it must be done!

CONCLUSION: Are you tired yet of living in crisis? If you are, you too can turn your crisis into a turn around. God's waiting for you, so don't just wait for Him. The good news is that your crisis can be your turning point; you can make a major change for the better. The devil is more afraid of the dream (seed) you're carrying than he is of you. He wants you to live in crisis mode, so make up your mind today. Say, "This is my day for a turning point!

Gaspar Anastasi
Powerful word.. I agree! That woman with the issue of blood symbolizes "pressing toward the mark"... love this guy's ministry. Thanks for sharing it here, N&W :love2: