Trying to figure out why my hair is growing uneven.


Okay ladies,
Does anyone in here ever notice that there hair grows in uneven. My hair grows longer and healthier in the front and the sides. In the back the sides are longer than the middle and I'm trying to figure out why and I narrowed it down to 2 things. Number one my hair just grows in like that, or secondly I distribute moisterizer through my hair evenly.You know how when you apply moisterizer or any product to your hair, first you put it in the palm of your hand and then start appling it to the front of your hair ,then go towards the middle.Then put some more in your hand ,then put it in towards the back smoothing it in your hair as if you were puting it in a pony tail.I am just now realizing that when I do this I am leaving out alot of hair in the middle. Does anyone else do this?
SexyC said:
Okay ladies,
Does anyone in here ever notice that there hair grows in uneven. My hair grows longer and healthier in the front and the sides. In the back the sides are longer than the middle and I'm trying to figure out why and I narrowed it down to 2 things. Number one my hair just grows in like that, or secondly I distribute moisterizer through my hair evenly.You know how when you apply moisterizer or any product to your hair, first you put it in the palm of your hand and then start appling it to the front of your hair ,then go towards the middle.Then put some more in your hand ,then put it in towards the back smoothing it in your hair as if you were puting it in a pony tail.I am just now realizing that when I do this I am leaving out alot of hair in the middle. Does anyone else do this?

Remember each hair has a life cycle of growth and when that cycle ends, the hair sheds and another takes it's place. If they all grew at the same rate and each of their cycles begin and ended at the same time that would mean every few years, you would be bald. Things like hair thickness can be attributed to things like what side you sleep on, etc. That is what I think, but maybe some of the ladies can give you a more scientific reason.
SexyC said:
Okay ladies,
Does anyone in here ever notice that there hair grows in uneven. My hair grows longer and healthier in the front and the sides. In the back the sides are longer than the middle and I'm trying to figure out why and I narrowed it down to 2 things. Number one my hair just grows in like that, or secondly I distribute moisterizer through my hair evenly.You know how when you apply moisterizer or any product to your hair, first you put it in the palm of your hand and then start appling it to the front of your hair ,then go towards the middle.Then put some more in your hand ,then put it in towards the back smoothing it in your hair as if you were puting it in a pony tail.I am just now realizing that when I do this I am leaving out alot of hair in the middle. Does anyone else do this?

my hair grows faster on the sides than in the middle as well. I have been trying to concentrate more in that area for the same reasons you stated. I guess there isnt enough creme in my hands once I finally make it around towards the back! LOL
That happens to me too. My left side always grows longer than my right. It is almost 3/4" different in one part of my hair
My sides and crown area grow the fastest. I always cut the sides shorter because I like having the front and sides shorter than the back. Having bangs and short sides frames my round face better. I wish the back side would grow the fastest.

I would recommend massaging the areas that grow the slowest to maybe stimulate more hair growth. :)
My hair was also growing on one side faster than the other. I started using Surge on the slow growing side only, and it caught up with the faster growing side. Now I use it on both sides to keep the growth even and its works.
I sleep on my back so as to not stunt any growth on the sides, yet the right side still grows faster than the left and has always done so. I always have about 1/4 in more new growth there too. I'm right handed, so maybe that causes the discrepancy, hmm..i don't know if that makes sense. haha