Trying to decide on a new bible


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I love my life application bible but I am thinking of getting a leather bond one. Which translation do you prepare between the NASB and the NIV.
I actually prefer the KJV and Amplified Bible. The Amplified Bible really breaks the word down for me. But out of the NASB and NIV, I like the NIV.
I have an ESV Study Bible and a NASB bible. I like the ESV language better than the NASB but I think the translations are comparable and get at the same meaning.
I have a copy of the Quest Study Bible (NIV) and I really love it! The notes in the margins make it so easy to understand. It's $25.00 from Barnes and Nobles with free shipping. I received mine within 24 hours of placing my order.
I actually prefer the KJV and Amplified Bible. The Amplified Bible really breaks the word down for me. But out of the NASB and NIV, I like the NIV.

I agree with Nicole9. Whatever you buy just make sure that it is accurate and does not have vague references like the green bible or is focused on being politically correct like the TNIV by using gender neutral terms:rolleyes:.
Never that. I like my word straight, no chaser :grin:. I actually purchased the Zonderavan NASB Study Bible. So far I am loving it

I agree with Nicole9. Whatever you buy just make sure that it is accurate and does not have vague references like the green bible or is focused on being politically correct like the TNIV by using gender neutral terms:rolleyes:.
I have a ESV bible and I like it a lot. It's very easy for me to understand. I'm going to get an Amplified Bible soon though.
I use a NKJV bible in conjunction with a NIV translation bible. I prefer the NIV but I use both to better discern the full meaning of what the scripture is conveying. Hope this helps.