Trying to be patient & wait for a Kini update..


New Member
I believe Kinikakes is due for an update this month but I'm not sure when. I feel like a junky waiting on her updates every few months. I'll try to be patient. In the mean time I'll just sit here shaking and twitchin until I get my Kini fix. :lachen:
I look forward to seeing her progress too! When I first came here she was one of the ladies that gave me the biggest inspiration.
That's funny... I was thinking the same.... I can't wait too!
Her progress are always wonderful, she is one of my inspiration too...
I believe Kinikakes is due for an update this month but I'm not sure when. I feel like a junky waiting on her updates every few months. I'll try to be patient. In the mean time I'll just sit here shaking and twitchin until I get my Kini fix. :lachen:

Girl, how about I was just thinking about Kini's update this morning. I hope she updates soon. I haven't seen her on here lately.
I believe Kinikakes is due for an update this month but I'm not sure when. I feel like a junky waiting on her updates every few months. I'll try to be patient. In the mean time I'll just sit here shaking and twitchin until I get my Kini fix. :lachen:

awww so I'm not alone...:lachen:
You know this is really funny!! The other day I went and checked her fotki to see when her next update would be! This may be bad, but I put a reminder in my phone on the 6th to check her fotki!!! :blush: She really is an inspiration. I also have gotten a lot of good tips from her.
That is so funny! We have a kinikakes support group! hahahahahaha

I hope she hasn't forgotten about all of her fans. :rolleyes:

Love ya Kinsss!
I was on roundhairbrush this morning and clicked testimonials and wondered the same thing about her and Ra.
When I want inspiration I always go look at her pictures. I can't wait to see her new updates. She has very beautiful and healthy hair, with that silky shine.
I'm wondering what's up with kini. I hope she's okay... Her update was supposed to be on the 6th, right? Has anyone heard from her? I guess she may be busy.
There was another post about her update. lol She is visiting her father and she said she will post update photos next week. She was so sorry.