Try this Ladies to treat you hair this winter


New Member
We all know how winter air dries the hair out so last night I wanted to try an idea I have had for a long time. I have surfed to web for hours looking at spa hair treatments so I eventually came up with one and here it is.

You need: essential oils of lavender, palmarosa, rosewood, and either frankincense or carrot, coconut oil or sweet almond oil, shampoo, a thick moisturizing conditioner (I used redken heavy creme),and your favorite moisturizing conditioner

Warm 3 tablespoons of the coconut or sweet almond oil in a bowl. Add a 1 1/4 teaspoons of the essential oils (mix them together to get 1 1/4 teaspoons). Using your fingers or a little spoon apply oil mixture to scalp first and work though ends. Massage for five-ten mintues. You can add more oil if you like to cover all of your hair but my hair isn't that long so this is all it took. Take the heavy conditioner and apply to hair. Make sure all of the hair is coated and competly covered. Massage in for another five-ten mintues. Cover with a plastic cap and let sit for 30 mintues to an hour. I used 45 mintues. Shampoo out using your mildest shampoo. Make sure to rinse throughly before you add shampoo. Apply you favorite conditioner and let sit for you normal time but sit under a dryer. Rinse and style like you noramlly do.

I loved the results and my hair is very shiney and feels stronger. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. If you try it and add something or change something please let me how it worked for you.

That sounds like a nice winter treat. My hair always needs extra care in the cold. I think I will try it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Dionne for posting this. i wish I would've "known" you just a year or two ago when I was GUNG HO CRAZY about spa treatments. I'll try this one when I get all the ingredients.

Thanks for posting.......happy holidays!
This sounds really great. I've never "experimented" w/essential oils...I'm ready to give it a try. Thanks /images/graemlins/grin.gif

God Bless,
OK Dionne thise thread is going to go in my faveourites and on the next payday i will stock up on some more essential oils and try this combo. You know on a Sunday i like nothing more than beautifying myself to get ready for the boring crappy working week ahead. I only yesterday recieved the essential oils to do the hair stimulating thing that Blkmane posted the other day.