Trusting Paula White?

Sasha Fierce

Active Member
Hi Ladies,

I have heard only a few sermons by Paula White and felt blessed by the words she spoke. I noticed in a couple of threads that there seems to be some hesitation regarding trust of Paula and her ministry. What is the background for this distrust? I know for many, including myself, it is a little unsettling when someone you looked to as a spiritual leader can not be trusted though they are prone to the same hang ups as the rest of us.
I am really sad about this but I can not see how married people can spend so much time apart. Creflo, Jakes, Long and some other women are doing their thing but not so much. Once Paula got gastro-bypass surgery and other make overs she came out of her shell. I just wonder if this would be the ending if she remained over weight and working with her husband locally. I really loved the both of them but she had too much going on and I never saw her with her husband that much. A marriage is a minstry. Both should be working together and not doing their own thing. It leaves too much room for the enemy. It just seems that she took the TV and other ministries to the extreme and it overshadow her husband who is very quite and humble but yet powerful and sucessful. They brought in 39.9 million dollars last year between the two ministries but in the end have no marriage. So, sad but praying for all these broken homes. I knew something was wrong when she opened a Church in New York without her husband by her side.
I really don’t know enough about Paula White to feel one way or the other. I catch her show from time to time and sometimes it holds my attention, other times not so much. I did buy one of her books a couple of years ago titled Deal With It: You Cannot Conquer What You Will Not Confront. It’s a good book and it ministered to me and helped me get through some things I was going through at the time and I still refer to it from time to time.

As far as “trusting” her…the Word says, “Trust no man…”. Over the last few years, God really had to deal with me concerning people. In the past I have come across people who I have really looked up to. These people have kind of been my spiritual “heroes” for lack of a better word. What God has shown me is that we are ALL sinners saved by grace. No one is perfect. God uses who He wants to use…who is willing to be used…and sometimes He uses the least obvious people. For example, when I was in college I attended this church that was far different from anything I had ever experienced. The anointing was definitely in that place and God used that pastor for about three years to minister to me. Under that leadership my faith grew tremendously, my spiritual gifts grew and I came to learn and understand the Bible more than I could have ever imagined. I didn’t grow up in the church and always thought that speaking in tongues was something churches did for show. Going to this church I learned that speaking in tongues is real, God is real, He is alive and well, a promise keeper….He is more than I could ever imagine. I admired the pastor of that church for allowing God to use him. I admired his wife for being such a respectful woman and for standing by her man and being that “help meet”. It got to the point where I and I’m sure several members of that church started looking at the man and stopped looking at God. Long story short, I ended up leaving that church because I started feeling like the pastor was using the pulpit to get on his soapbox and talk about his opinions instead of preaching and teaching the Word. Later on, I learned that the pastor had been removed from that church for several reasons. Apparently, he had been sleeping with several women in the church, one of them was one of the women who would speak in tongues. He also left the church a debt of more than $200,000 and the kicker…he got another woman in the church pregnant. I heard that during his last sermon at that church he read off a list of all the women he’d slept with in the church. The point is that despite the fact that all these things happened I do believe with my whole heart that God used that man and his ministry to help me grow and get to where HE wanted me to be in HIM at that time in my life. With all that said, that pastor is a human being first and we all fall short of the glory. Just because someone is a pastor doesn’t mean that he or she will live a perfect life and once we start focusing on the man instead of God, I think God will allow things to happen to let HIS people know that we are to glorify and magnify God not man.